Thursday, September 30, 2010

" Emily, can live here"

These are the words that Edwin said to me yesterday....As you know Emily adores Edwin, but Edwin...well, Edwin at times doesn't care for Emily. But yesterday, she finally wore him down and Edwin finally seen what a great kid that she is....

This little girl has brought him drinks, found his shoes, prayed for him, made him snacks, and plays every silly game that he comes up with, even if they make absolutely no sense. All, this work so that she can have Edwin love her. Emily has reminded me that persistence can pay off, and so can love.

Tomorrow, we have yet another meeting with Edwin's teacher. We are signing all the paperwork for him to go to half days. I am honestly not sure that I want this, but it is not about me. It is about what works for Edwin. We are also getting more clothes shopping done for the kids, including Halloween costumes. And hopefully a lunch date with the hubby. Then we get to pack up for the Pumpkin farm, and watch a movie with the kids....big day!

Tobey slept a full night last night, thank God, literally I thanked God...I was getting tired. When Tobey has those 3 hour nights....well, it's not like I can catch up when he is at school, I still have Emily and Melody. So, today I am enjoying being fully awake.

Speaking of Emily and Melody, it is only 9:09, and they are on their second viewing of Tinkerbell today! I really don't know how people do it without TVs, you have my respect. How do the Duggars keep their sanity? I keep mine by treating myself to The Office, and watch soaps where the characters lives are even more complicated than mine.

So, that is all in Holstein world today....I am off to figure out how to make a Chinese dinner for tonight....have a good one!

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