Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 28th....

I decided to do a second blog today, and it is about my husband. Eddie is the love of my life, I knew it the day I met him. We have never broken up and still can't wait to see each other even after 15 years....

But Eddie is a little different, as his loving wife I can say that about him...words that have been used concerning Eddie have been...
  • Well, he's just Eddie
  • He is an acquired taste
  • How do you handle him?
  • He sure is fun....
  • he needs a timeout

My favorite story about him was upon hearing about Robin William's divorce, I remarked that I could not see how you could be married to someone like Robin Williams. I was then told that I am married to Robin Williams.

Eddie is rarely serious...Even when we had the house fire and I thought I caused it...I asked Eddie if he was mad at me, he simply replied "Honey, why would I be mad? It is only our home and everything we own?". This was about 10 minutes after the fire trucks pulled out. About an hour after the fire I got in the truck only to have Eddie playing Disco Inferno, the second I jumped in..

Now, his sense of humor is probably one of my favorite things in the world about him. He is also extremely smart, and has an odd talent for Math. But I believe he has gone a little too far this time....

Eddie has known since I have met him about my fear of not living as long as my Mother, now this is totally normal....I do not need therapy. So, Eddie with his humor and Math, simply looked at me the other day and said "September 28th", "If you live the exact amount of days as your Mother, you will die on September 28th.". Wow, thank you dear....I now know that I am going to die next week, on the same day as I am supposed to pick up Market Day and Parenthood is on. The guy is twisted if I do say so myself, but he keeps me laughing, at least until Tuesday.....


  1. Then would Tuesday be a bad day to hit the Cafe?

  2. you forgot to mention my brief but stellar career as a secret agent/stripper...Don't knock it, plenty of people want to see Santa naked
