Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wacky Wednesday....

There is really nothing wacky about today, but a health food store that I go to calls every Wednesday, Wacky Wednesday....and it seemed like a good title....

Well, here is the update on the house. It looks like we passed the application just fine, including the credit check (shock) but the owner of the house has yet to do any work on it, or even return the calls to the management company. In other words....I am not sure, even with our best efforts that we are getting the house. I would think that the owner would want to start making an income, and not have it empty...but, well there is no more that I can do on my end but wait.

The management company is wanting us to check out another house on the same road for the same rent. I do know that it is 5 bedrooms, and the owner built it for his family and has about the same amount of kids. The pros to this one is that it has a definite move- in date and a newer house (no lead at all). She is really pushing for this place and says that the house is very quirky and would fit us....(I did not realize that we were quirky, but I go on...). It will officially be available on November maybe this one will work out.

I want the original house with the hot tub, but most importantly I need to get the kids in a safe house, so if this is how it goes....I will be alright.

I had a lunch date yesterday with 3 ladies from Church, and had a great time. I loved how we could just talk without that feeling of trying to one up each other....I have had several lunch dates with friends all from Church this year, and enjoyed everyone of them. I kinda like having a social life for the first time ever. When I came home I attempted the decluttering again, this is harder than I thought....I am not to the level of ending up on Hoarders but, I can see how it starts. I do think that I have managed to throw out enough stuff to make the garbage guys cuss tomorrow. That will be my goal for the remainder of the month...

Yesterday as I was channel surfing I saw my first Halloween commercial for the year. I am super excited that it is my favorite time of year. I love the time we are at now until New Years....great times! I love the fall for it's great food and all the pumpkins and, then the fun of Halloween and getting costumes and the feeling of anticipation on Halloween when you are out trick or treating with your kids. You know that feeling I am talking about of turning the corner and you don't know what you will see, a Zombie or Barack Obama....And then the weather gets cold and the feeling you get around Thanksgiving, I love that is just us and there is no worries about the boys acting up and we all watch the parade while I complain about all the cooking (I secretly LOVE the cooking). And then there is Christmas....but now I am getting to ahead of myself. We did decide though that we are going to get a real tree this year, the old one tested high for lead ( fact...a lot of the trees and lights sold for Christmas, still have lead in them) so we are going to go and get our own tree and tie it on the Suburban....not the van, we would never get it up there!

Well, that is all for today, I hope that you are enjoying the rainy weather....I am just glad that it gives us an excuse not to mow!

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