Thursday, September 2, 2010

I have a girl finally.....

Yes, I know that I actually have 5 girls....but until testerday none of them had their ears pierced.

I don't have that many memories of my Mom, but I do remember when I was 5 she peirced my ears, it was painful and probably not that sanitary because she did it with a safety pin and an icecube.

But yesterday as we were walking into Wal-Mart, Olivia looked up at me and asked me if she could get her ears pierced...I almost ran in the store! I have been waiting forever to get the girl's ears pierced. Lena and Alison, if I may say are kinda wimps. They have no desire, and since I have that new age parenting technique of letting them make their own decisions about their body....I could not force them to put holes in them.

I looked at Eddie and said I am taking her now to get it done! Before she could chicken out, I showed her all the earrings that she could pick from, birthstones, that boring ball one, little hearts. She finally decided on the topaz birthstone ones that came with a free necklace. Now, Olivia's birthstone is actually Garnet, but she said that she is more of a blue kind of girl. She sat bravely in the chair and held my hand and they did both at the same time. She did not cry, or even jump...very brave girl.

Olivia was giddy with excitement, and I realized then that this may be one of the first time that she got to have a "first". When you are 1 of 7, it is hard not to do something that one of the other's had not done already. There is not much that Eddie and I as parent's haven't seen yet.

When she came home she showed the earrings to her big sisters'. Lena, being Lena explained how Olivia could get an infection. Alison acted nonchalant about the whole thing but you could tell she was a little jealous!

Now, here is something that you may not know about Olivia....she thrives on a strict, I mean STRICT routine. Maybe a touch of the 'tism? I don't know.....But, this kid wants definite times to clean her ears, to turn the earrings, the calendar marked of the day she can put in new earrings (Oct.12) and when she can sleep a night without earrings (in March, before Disney). She has already explained to me that she can't wear hoops because of Tobey(smart girl) and how she wants nothing that is wore by people on TV, because everyone wears those....

So, Olivia finally has a "first" and I have finally got the bonding experience, so that was a good day!


  1. I smiled as wide as I could when I read this. Good for the two of you! Can hardly wait to see on Sunday!

  2. I promise to make a big deal out ofit. I love that girl.
