Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Today my house is blissfully quiet with only Emily and Melody watching TV and Eddie dozing on the couch. Yesterday, was total chaos....

Edwin was sent home by 9:15 because of his behavior, I am not 100% about what to do about this. I had a long conversation with the Autism consultant and she said it could be partly due to his diet and he is going through almost a with drawl. It could be changes to his routine, we changed Church Services and again, the diet. She told me that he should not have any more changes at all for a while...I didn't have the heart to tell her that we will probably be moving in 2 weeks, and he will change schools too...Changing schools really saddens me, I am comfortable where they are, and already developed relationships with their teachers. I think that is my only regret about moving...

Because Edwin was wound up, it got Tobey excited....which meant the simple act of sitting down to help another child with homework,'s not going to happen. By the time Eddie got up, I was nearly to the point of wanting to dig a hole to put myself in.

So, here is the update on the diet....I am going to do gluten free only, at least for the time being. First off, the the boys have lead poisoning and one thing that helps take lead out of the system is calcium. Casein free----no DAIRY!!! Also, Edwin has enough change already and he will die without Macaroni and Cheese. And financially it is just a better move. There is also a ton more products geared towards that lifestyle, just easier to shop and cook for. And, most importantly...I am NOT Superwoman....

Well, it must officially be Fall now, our little "Buddy" has been hunting nuts lately. I don't know if I ever told you about Buddy, so here we go....The first day we moved in here, it was the week of Halloween....Eddie went outside to check on something and this crazy squirrel ran out in front of him and stopped Eddie in his tracks. He then started circling Eddie as if to check him out and then finally stopped next to him and stared him down. Eddie just stood there for like 5 minutes...So the next day I got Buddy some peanuts, sat on the porch and waited for him...within 5 minutes the little guy showed up and ate the peanut out of my hand! The kids get the biggest kick out of him, which I see why....he is as cute as could be (he is also now fat). But now he has gotten so spoiled that we will pace our porch waiting for the peanuts.....which he is doing now. I think we have had more conversations on how we can move this silly squirrel with us than how we are going to move a piano. I know that he belongs here, but I will miss him!

Well, that is all in Holstein world today.....have a good one!

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