Thursday, September 9, 2010

I am the Bad Neighbor!!!!!!

So, we are doing this series at our Church on bad neighbors. And I am the first to admit that we are not the best neighbors....We live in a nice area of town and in one of those neighborhoods that puts on Halloween parties and 4th of July bike parades. We have lived here 2 years and not attended one thing yet. I have never volunteered for the Neighborhood watch and I have yet to get my yard to look half as good as the people around me!

Now, I have my reason's or I guess you could say excuses for being like this.....First off I have 7 kids that keep me busy with just the inside of the house. Community events are tough not only for a large family, but are really tough for the boys'. But, since we keep to ourselves mainly, the neighbors have out up with our quirky blasting the stereo on Sunday mornings and the McDonald's trash that falls out of our vehicle every time we get out.

All of them except for the lady down the road...she doesn't like one of our bushes, I tore it down...She can't stand one of our strays, I keep it here. But today, she went a little far...

As you know we got a rather large distinctive by all accounts looks like an ambulance and really sticks out in our neighborhood of Prius' and Volvo's. So, the lady down the road (I am about 90% positive it was her) called the police and said that the vehicle was not to be here and was abandoned. We got out just in time to save "Rock and Roll" (Emily named it) from being towed. Now, here is the part that irritates me...the police had been told that the vehicle was abandoned over a week and a half ago, when we got her on Sunday afternoon. And, now the cop has informed us that we can't park the van there because of the stop sign on our property!!!

I have never personally egged a person's house, to be honest I never felt the need. But today I looked at the 48 pack of toilet paper from Sam's club and I thought long and hard about it. But since we are doing this series from Church about being a bad neighbor It would be slightly hypocritical of me...Since this has me so irked off though, would it be wrong if I encouraged the kids to do it? Probably...the thought is still running in my mind though.

So, that was my day today....we are finally feeling better as a household from the colds that we suffered through, and I just may make dinner tonight!

So, now I will leave you with the cute kid story of the day. Emily and Melody are constantly putting pillowcases on their heads. I thought they were playing ghosts. So, today when Melody came out to show me that she had enclosed herself in a Dora pillowcase, I acted scared and started yelling that there was a ghost in the kitchen. Melody pulled the pillowcase off and looked at me like I was an idiot and said "I am not a ghost Mama, I a pillow". Ah, the innocence of a 3 year old!

Have a good day!


  1. So, where are you to park the van if not in front of your house???!!!

  2. The nerve of some people. Don't let her get to you. Karma will get her in the end!! :) By the way, love the little pillow story.

  3. What if Aunt Rinda helped the kids Tp? Oh wait, we go to the same church! Darn it!!!!!!
