Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Holstein News....

Well, the first thing I can say that the change of weather has been hard on us! So far the only ones that have not been hit by a cold with fever and sore throat is the men of the house...The school age girls are already over it, but Emily, Melody and me feel like death warmed over!

I did have a good day yesterday. I have decided that the laundromat is my new best friend....I got ALL our laundry done in 3 hours, which is huge! And Eddie got to play with the wheelchair lift to load up the laundry, it's a win-win for everybody! I had a lunch date with my dear friend Lorinda, we decided that we are going to torture Eddie by making him go apple picking! So, that will be fun! Have I ever told you that Tobey's first word was apple? He loves the things!

Melody's little forehead is looking great! I no longer have flashbacks looking at it. Today she is taking it easy watching Disney all day, and trying to cuddle with her Daddy, who is sound asleep to the world.

Emily, who looks very cute in her new haircut, (thanks Buffy) is not a very good patient and running around the house like mad, until she wants to collapse.

Tobey, has been very vocal the past 2 days. He was extremely vocal at 2 am, this morning when he must have come to the conclusion that the household should be awake with him! After finally getting everyone else back to sleep, I finally came to the conclusion that Tobey simply hates sleeping! I love that dude more than life...but this is getting old really quick!

Olivia is doing great with her new earrings, her ears are still attached even with all of Lena's grim predictions! She has decided that her next pair of earrings will be Tinkerbell, good girl!

I had a conference with Edwin's teacher yesterday, it went very well. It seems like all the stuff that got him in major trouble at his old school is almost embraced as just his individual spirit here. I love this new school! Quick cute story about Edwin. I guess that while we were at support group the other day, Edwin took a pen in the bathroom and drew the characters from Adventure Time on his butt as a tattoo. Now, believe it or not, this even though funny, didn't really phase me. But the next thing did shock me, when I asked him about it....he started pulling down his pants right there to show me! So, if he does it again, please don't ask him about it....unless you want a show!

Alison had her first kiss with her boyfriend Kevin, well kinda. When I say kiss, he kissed her on the cheek...when I say boyfriend...he gave her a silly band! Very cute and very innocent and better stay that way!

Lena is till in love with that Gaizer guy....I am sure that I spelled that wrong, anyway...I am not sure about the whole continuing thing. I like it much better when they switched every day! You know, today I love Tom, next day it's Dave! Much less stressful on a parent.

The hubby is struggling some with work...the problem is he is not a mean guy, and sometimes you just have to be! It is really starting to way on him! I will probably try and make him a nice dinner tonight while trying not to keel over from being sick as a dog! Too be honest...I will probably throw in a frozen pizza, but it will be nice to at least have the dream of being a good wife!

Have a good day!