Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Pumpkin Farm.....

This Saturday we are going to the ideal Pumpkin Farm, I mean this place is like those ones that you see on TV, and you think to yourself "Man, it would be nice to actually go to one of those". We found it last year, and even though the kids drove of freaking nuts on the car trip, we loved the place!

They of course had a beautiful patch, but they also mad homemade cinnamon doughnuts right in front of you, there mas a mariachi band that entertained you in the gift shop. They have a petting zoo, bee exhibit, apple orchards, tree climbing goats, a ride that looks like a Holstein cow (perfect, I know?) and lot's more. Unfortunately it is a 2 hour ride to get there, but that is life! This year we are going with Lorinda and gang, and so looking forward to showing it to them for the first time! If the trip goes well, I am going to see if they want to go to We Care Park in Kokomo.....I love showing people places that we love, I think that is why I like inviting people to our Church!

Speaking of Church we are doing this really cool community thing on Sunday, of going all over the South Side of South Bend and doing work and just showing love and praying for the neighborhoods. I went through a bunch of scheduling to arrange respite care for the boys ( the nun will be on Channel 16 that day...) and wrote out our action list of what we needed to bring, had a family discussion of which event we wanted to sign up for, only to see that Eddie got an email that he HAS to work Sunday!!! Really? I am not happy, I considered just doing it anyway, but the last time I took care of the girls by myself in public, Melody ended up in the ER with 22 stitches. I have lost my confidence, and Memorial may put out a hit on me if I end up in the ER again! So, I guess we will bake or have a craft or something with the kids.

Today we took the girls to Target and I got my first cell phone, I know I am behind the times.....but I don't really like using the things. Eddie always had one, until the ringer went out on it and we couldn't find it again! So, I am coming up in the world!!! After the Melody incident and the vehicles always breaking down on my watch, I realized that I needed to get my own....I am trying to figure out which ring tone to get, decisions, decisions.

I have also decided that I am really going to step out of my box and get....Are you ready for this? A tattoo!!!!! I know, right? Who would have thought? So, here is what I want to get....there is this picture of John Lennon's picture on the Earth, and on it simply says Imagine. Now you know that I am a fan of the Beatles, especially John. But, I am not a big enough fan to pay money to have his face permanently put on my body. So instead of John, it will be my Tobey's beautiful face. In my mind it will mean to imagine what it will be like to talk to him, and hear that voice back....and to never stop fighting for that little dude, and to be his voice for as long as he needs me too. I was worried that the kids may worry about favoritism or something...but they are really cool with it. Emily asked me is she could get the same thing, I told her sure! ( That was a joke!) I also want to get something with all the kids names and some kind of symbol....I am still trying to figure out what I want. So, if anyone has ideas on where to go and get this done (there is a lot of detail) or an idea for the rest of the crew, let me know!

Here is a link to the pumpkin farm....you have got to try this place out! Totally worth the drive!

I hope that you have a good day!

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