Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Catch Up.....

So, I have been super busy with, well....life. So here is how that Holstein's are doing. We are officially moving into a great house on November 1st! I will post pictures as soon as I figure out the camera...sorry, I am not real techy....Anyway it is 5 bedrooms and has a huge yard and NO LEAD!!!! I am super excited about it!

Even though we found out about the house yesterday was a rough day, we had several appointments and in the middle of them we found out that Tobey had pink eye, picked him up and then did errands, and took Edwin for his first day of half days. We then came home to find out that his cat was killed when he got out with group 1 getting on the bus. We talked for hours trying to figure out how to tell Edwin without doing permanent damage to him. He has slept with this cat for 2 years. So, after tons of debate on how to tell him the news he took it a ton better than I thought. I explained about heaven and all those things that you say to help and make them feel better, but he did fine with it. I don't want to say that we are parents of the year, but 3 kids immediately told us that Comet is in heaven playing with her Momma Diamond, and they were happy for her. I don't know if I do everything right as a parent....but that I am proud of.

We took the kids to the pumpkin farm on Saturday with Ed and Lorinda and had a great time, I took tons of pictures....but again I have to figure out how the heck how to do them and Eddie is a little too busy working his butt off to help me, so be patient.

Today we are doing a ton of appointments again, and taking several kids to the eye Dr. I am actually going to be thrifty and pack our lunch and not go out for fast food. I feel like Caroline Ingalls or something. We will then load up our wagon and go see Dr. Baker and avoid Mrs. Olsen....I think I watch that show too much!

Speaking of nasty people, Ohhhh there was this woman at Wal-Mart yesterday that tried to tell me how to parent Tobey Jude. So, yeah....so her first mistake was that this was Tobey she was talking rudely about, so I am already not liking this "woman" and then upon looking at the fact that she couldn't even manage to dress herself in clothes besides pajamas and brush her hair to go into a public place....I figured that it just wasn't worth the battle or even my time to explain about Tobey. But then, I ended up behind her in line and she was the most annoying human ever in the history of the world to be behind. She would put things back, pay for some this way, and then change her mind....you know the type I am talking about. I was waiting for her to say something else to me about Tobey but she never did...I had the script running through my mind, including clever comebacks. It is probably for the best, it was not very Christan of me to have the thoughts I did about her. I don't know if anyone else struggles with this but I have a hard time not being a pushover, and standing up for myself. I think I worry that i will take it to far. Knowing my luck I would end up in jail.....that would make a good blog though!

So, I am off to tackle the day....I will say this though, I had this genius parenting idea of getting all the dentist and eye appointments done in 2 weeks for 7 kids.....not the best idea....I am going insane! Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I can totally relate to the Wal-Mart story and I'm so glad I have my husband (and the Holy Spirit) to rein me in :)
