Friday, September 17, 2010

The Worlds longest week....

So, I wasn't sure if I wanted to blog has been a rough week and the last thing I want to do is depress a bunch of people. But since I can't afford therapy...I must bend your ear.

So, this week has consisted of...being told by a Dr. that I am doing stuff wrong for the boys, when in my heart...I know that I am doing the best for them (the diet, if your curious). Edwin being sent home from school this early in the year, that has got to be a record. Being called a liar from our landlord. Dealing with housing authorities yesterday guessed it lead! An hour long phone call with the school about the boys....And of course the challenge of raising 7 kids, with 2 of them Autistic. I was at my breaking point earlier in the week, and Eddie and I decided to treat ourselves to lunch....big mistake!

We pull up to our home to see a cop car, never a good sign...But what was missing was our precious Suburban! That stupid neighbor (I have other words in my head) called and had our LEGAL vehicle towed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have never been to our home, we live in a historic district where the houses were made long before cars. Parking is an issue...there has been times where we can't even come home because of a Notre Dame game or services at the Church across from us. So, the parking is very limited ALL the time! Add to that the fact that we seem to have the largest vehicles in the area, it is hard to park. But, we were not parked at the yellow line, we were not parked on anyone elses' property. But we were close to the stop sign, the one on our property....If the cops would have seen this without the neighbors phone call, it would have been a ticket...but since the neighbor from Hell called...we got towed. So, my Suburban sits at the impound with a $185.00 initial fee and $25.00 per day storage fee.

So, I will not be sad to see this week go....I have had enough.

To try and keep our humor up, here is what we would like to do to the neighbor lady...this is not an admission of guilt, and can not be held against me in a court of law...
  • Putting clear plastic forks in her yard and when she mows...shards of plastic all over her manicured property. (Eddie's idea)
  • Tell her that since we can't park on our property, the van which looks like an ambulance...needs to be parked in front of her home. ( We don't want to get towed)
  • Open up the van and let the mountain of fast food bags fall on her property.
  • Play really loud hillbilly music and aim it to her home.
  • Drive by egging? Do you think she would recognize the van?
  • Hey Sam, what are we doing with all those bad neighbor tubes? I know of the perfect place to put them. "RECYCLING"
  • Go in front of her house and play with the wheelchair lift over and over...the noise will drive her insane!

So again, I must repeat...if any of the preceding happens to the the neighbor lady...I did not do any of it. I simply am psychic and we will leave it at that....

Well, I have to admit I do feel better...thanks for the free therapy...have a good night my friends, I am off to plan my attack...uhmm I mean read to the kids....yea that's it!


  1. I am so sorry you had a bad week. I too feel like doing something to your neighbor......but.
    I love you guys! Next week will be phenominal!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I think the "Forking" might be great! At least it is "clean", we could how ever make it "dirty" by using used forks!!!!
    "Fork" you! Sorry couldn't resist!
