Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hitting that wall...

Today is not working out the way I would like....Had to pick up Edwin from school because of his behavior, he is being extremely disruptive. Olivia is home sick, even though she is already feeling better.

And then, I get an e-mail from our current landlord almost accusing us of making up the lead problem. Now, I can honestly see his side of things....he has yet to receive info from the Health Department about the lead, I don't know what their problem is, we from them ALL the time! I know he is a nice guy, he really is but he is losing his patience with the whole thing.

Meanwhile, the cost of Tobey's medical bills, special diet and the stress of the whole situation has been on our backs....and we just feel kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place.

After, we found out about the lead...it was separated into 2 divisions. The one that we deal with is the nurse (Paige) at the health department. And then the state is supposed to be the ones dealing with the landlord, they are dragging their heels for some unknown reason....So we are stuck, upset landlord, house that is not safe for Tobey and just getting sick of the entire situation....

So, enough of that....time to move on...We attempted with no success the gluten-casein free diet last night. Now, in my mind...I thought that as a family we should ALL go on it. For one, we are a family and I feel like we should try and eat the same meals together. For two, I thought that this may be the perfect way for Eddie and I to lose some weight and teach the kids about healthy eating. So, here is where I realized that I am failing...The food was horrible!!! I mean just really, really bad. Now, it may have been the way I cooked it, but the spaghetti noodles had all the stuff coming off of them and it looked like I was making one of those paper-mache things from Elementary school. 6 of the kids ate it, Edwin who we are doing this for...refused. I do think I may lose weight though, because after seeing that, all I ate was corn.

If Autism has taught me anything, it is to not just give up. So, I will not be defeated by this! I am going to learn to be the best Gluten- Casein Free cook I possibly can. Now, will the whole family eat it? That remains to be seen, but after seeing the cost of the food...I may not push it so hard for the non- Autistics of the household.

I had a meeting with Tobey's teacher yesterday, and I just love her to pieces. She has a son who has Downs and he just turned 18....it was great to talk to her about the teenage years, social issues, and his care now that he is 18. It really opened my eyes about the future with Tobey. I have absolutely no problem with Tobey living with us, but I didn't even think about the social part. So, I will defiantly have to get him in a day program or something.

We also made the decision that we are going to teach Tobey and the rest of us sign-language. Tobey has a machine that talks for him, and helps him show his school work, but now he is in need of something that is not pre-programmed at home. For example....Tobey wants to listen to the Beatles (he is my son), so he hits the button for music...Now, I just turn on the radio, because he said music. Guess what happens? Huge tantrum! He wants the Beatles, in his mind he wants the Beatles...and I play Lady Gaga. So, the machine will be school based, and at home which is a much less structured environment, we will sign.

Since she has been with more Autistics than I have, I asked her about her thoughts on Tobey talking. This is how she put it to me. Tobey is not like a lot of Autistics, in fact I haven't met one like him yet. He is the most loving little guy, which is rare. But on that special occasion when he does talk, it is sometimes a full sentence and that sentence makes total sense. And then you go for days with nothing. Honestly, it is in his court...it is up to him if he is going to talk. So, there it is, I am not giving up on him talking, but I am accepting the fact that we simply need to do something more permanent. I thought that I would feel heart broken about it, but surprisingly I don't. On those rare occasions that I hear that little voice, it melts my heart. But, I just love being with him...and well that is part of Tobey Jude.

Well, I am off to fight another day, I hope that you have a good one!


  1. Don't give up on the diet thing! I might be able to help you make things taste better....you know I sell those Tastefully Simple spices! Shameless plug.
    I won't let you give up, and remember you have Karen who has been working with this diet for awhile now to help you too!

  2. my sister also does the gluten free thing with her family. 16yo nephew has aspbergers.
    she makes some of the best stuff!
    some days are harder than others my friend, then the quiet day happens and it is more glorious than decadent chocolate cake from south bend choc!!! it is worth the wait.
    I'll be praying hedges for you until then!
