Friday, September 24, 2010

A good day.....

Today was a good stress, besides the normal stuff of raising 7 kids....But the kids all made it to the bus on time. Emily and Melody's babysitter had to cancel, so we had the girls with us today...which to be honest I enjoyed.

We went to Target, and actually didn't have to rush around like mad people. and even got to chat with a few friends there. We left to try and find a place that sold healthy snacks for Edwin and found a great place in Bremen. I went to Church and actually got some things accomplished for the support group, 2 parties are in the works....Again not rushing, just enjoying the time. I believe that this is the first time that I didn't have to go in my Pastors' office crying over something...I think he was in shock that I wasn't in there bugging him, he has never made me feel like I am bothering him, but I feel bad because I know how busy he is....

We took the whole crew to Wal-Mart and looked at Halloween costumes and bought the new Tinkerbell movie and way too much junk food. Came home, made pizza, straightened up and watched a movie...all together like a "normal" family. Olivia set the whole thing up by herself, including blankets and her "snack shack". It was a fun evening.

It was really nice just having a day to decompress, nothing catastrophic. I would love to have more, but I am realistic.

We had a first last night...a decision has been made that Edwin is going to go to school for half days. So we told the kids about how the new schedule is going to go...Lena kinda lost it, she was upset because the boys "get" everything. I didn't react very well to that, I have NEVER had to deal with sibling rivalry really. I was just dumbfounded and said some things I now regret, so I have already told her that we are going on a walk or something to talk about it. I know that some of it is being a teenager, but I also know that since Eddie and I are the parents of 7, and 2 of them take more care than the average child....we probably fail in that area of giving time to the older girls. It's hard, I can't even count how many times they have had to miss something because of something to do with the boys....I mean even us moving and them leaving their schools is because of the boys. It has to be hard on them, I forget that sometimes...I'm human.

Tomorrow is clean out the house day...I can hardly wait to get more things thrown is liberating to be honest...I don't need you TV Guide from 2009, I don't need all 5 copies of the lunch schedule....they all get reduced, they are eating whatever you serve! We have these antique dishes that have lead in them...will I ever use them again? NO!!! Do I still have them sitting in a box in the attic? YES!!! Why? I have no idea.....

I hope you have a good weekend!!!!

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