Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I need to start writing this down....

I love writing my blog, but I am yet again not sure what to write....At 11:30 at night when the house is quiet my mind goes a million miles a minute with blog ideas. And then when I have time to sit down to the computer...the genius ideas are gone. So, until I remember to write them down, you are stuck with my random musings!

Today, we took Emily and Melody with their Aunt Terri for a girls day out, and had a great time. We went to Target to get their matching clothes and shoes, and then to Once Upon A Child for the jeans and shirts for everyday. I let them pick out their own clothes, and they did pretty good....but a few things look like they are rejects from some 70's film! If you go to our Church, you will see them Sunday. Emily already informed me that they were wearing the smurf blue hippy looking outfits that day...complete with tights! We had lunch at Panera, which I don't know why I even buy them food at that place, they never eat it! We went to get their haircuts. Do you remember when Emily gave Melody the mullet? Well, Great Clips did....we were in hopes of growing her hair out, but as we got into the haircut....we noticed Emily had done it again! I am getting a feeling that Great Clips thinks I don't put any of my scissors away. I do, and here is my proof....Edwin has not stabbed us yet! So, Melody is back to the super short hair again and Emily got layers.

Melody is still doing fine...I cannot wait until we get the stitches out. Every time I see her move I worry that she is going to fall over and hurt herself. Unfortunately, the kid is one of my more accident prone children. Yesterday she fell off our dining room chair, today she flipped her chair backwards at Panera. This was her first time with will not be her last. Short of putting her in a padded room, yelling at her every three seconds...she is a kid and going to get hurt.

Also some sad news....According to Emily we have to switch Churches. If Eddie and I work at Kids Kanyon we stay for both services. Now, Emily doesn't mind the 2 snacks, 2 worship services and 2 games. However she does not like having the same craft twice. So, at the second service they gave her a craft and she looked at the guide and simply said "Again?" the guide cracked up and Emily hid under the table. When we asked her why she was under the table she informed us that we need to go to a different Church because she doesn't like doing craft twice! Sorry, Emily...we are not leaving. We are starting a 5:30 service so she should not have to endure 2 craft times....this should please her. The life of a 4 year old.

Well, that is all today....I hope you have a great day....see you tomorrow!

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