Monday, August 16, 2010

Yes, they are still alive.....

Well, the boys made it through respite care, I think I had a harder time with it then they did. I did come to the realization that nobody really knows what respite care is. So here is my feeble explanation. The boys go over to Sister Gretchen's home where they almost become part of her life for a few hours while we get some stress free time away from them. I like that they go to a home and not a institution. Edwin got to play with puzzles and help make cupcakes and Tobey ended up playing in a ball pit and spinning some wheels on cars. While they were gone I sat in our Church trying to set up for the support group crying because I missed them. It was rough, the only person that has really watched the boys was my Dad's girlfriend Dee, so we could watch "Rain"! It is super hard to let them go, when you feel like no one could know them like you or provide the same care. Sister Gretchen did put a note in the boys' file that this was going to be an issue with me! Look at me, I have never been a Catholic and a Nun is seeing me as a problem! Haha! She did make joke that she only lost Tobey twice....The boys are going to go back there for 2 hours on the 29th, we have a Church picnic. Last year, even though we did our best to hold it together, the boys had a hard time with the crowds. It will be great to not worry about that and allow Lena to not be "on duty" and have time with the girls!

Eddie is already dragging! He still has 11 days to go! I thought that I would try to plan something special for him but I think that he would much rather sleep and be left alone...nobody tells you that becoming Supervisor meant you were away from home for 77-80 hours a week and can be tough on a marriage! I think they should give the spouses overtime pay too! I give all you single mothers out there props....I am not cut out for that!

The kids are so ready to get back to school and I am so ready to get my house organized and hopefully start packing up! We are still waiting to see if we are getting the house our hearts are set on....I think the thing I am looking forward to is the quietness of the house on Mondays. This has been a tough summer with the kids not being able to play outside due to the lead. They have been driving me nuts, just being honest!

Today, I am making a new schedule for fall, the older girls have to be on the bus at 7 in the morning so, I need to adjust bedtimes and chores and move up there computer time. I got a letter Saturday that said Tobey is riding a bus with Edwin and Olivia, which is not good! I mean one less bus to deal with would be nice....but I don't think that it is safe for him. There is no helper on regular buses, and they are crowded and loud. This combo could lead to to a meltdown and/or seizure. So, off to deal with that. There is always something to deal with the schools! So, I am off to make my 1000 phone calls and control the troops...have a good one!

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