Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Last night we had the impossible feat of trying to take 5 kids to their new classrooms while Emily and Melody were being handfuls! So, here is how that went....

Tobey got to see his new classroom and I had a chance to have my 100 questions answered, I was told however that I can't call ALL the time, I will try! After we met Mrs. Hendricks and her son we went to find the other Primary teachers for Edwin and Olivia. On the way Tobey decided that he needed to see Kate (SNAP teacher) and get a ton of hugs from her! It was so cute!

Olivia has Mrs. Roth, she seems like the old school grandmother type, and I think that will be a good fit for her! She was super excited about not wearing uniforms anymore! She told me today that she is only allowing herself to wear dresses.

Edwin, well Edwin was in fine form last night. He asked Tobey's teacher to give him some sugar, could have died! And then at Lena and Alison's school he drew stuff on his face! His teacher is Mrs. Linton, she is young but this is not her first rodeo! I will say this, there was a line wrapping around the school to get in there for back to school night! I love seeing that kind of parental support!

Alison is a nervous wreck, Lena is trying to explain the in's and out's of middle school to her, and it seems to make her more nervous! I know that she will like it. but work wise this is not going to easy for her!

Lena has the honor of switching classes! I met all of her teachers and they were all great! One of them was even teacher of the year, and how do I say this politely? I don't think Lena will mind going to HIS class....

Today, we were up at 6, and the kids were all so excited about school, they were a breeze to get up. Very pleasant morning.

I do have to admit though, I did have a hard time with letting Tobey go. I mean we started off the morning with him falling over from the weight of his backpack, isn't that a sign that he is too little to go? He is going on a regular bus, and all day....that is a lot for a kid who can't carry his backpack! I know that it had extra stuff in it today, but really. I had Eddie call @ 8:30 and he said that they had already lost Tobey and he had prison tattoo's and he had joined an Autistic gang already.....yeah, funny!

I think that I will watch a movie with Emily and Melody today and bake a cake for the kids tonight, and probably deep clean the living room, so hopefully a productive day! Have a good one! Man, it's quiet in here!


  1. It is so quiet in here it's scary. I don't know what to do with myself-yeah right! I tried your phone and it says it's disconnected. Did you call the phone company?

  2. they said it should be soon, you can call my cell, we do have internet which is crazy because they are both through Att! The neighbors on my side of the road dont have service but across the road they do! Thinking of switching to Comcast....
