Saturday, August 21, 2010

Back to school shopping....

Yesterday was flipping nuts! I had this idea in my mind to get all the shopping done in one my mind it works, on paper it works, in real life? Well it doesn't work!

At Payless, Edwin had a 'tism day and the clerk was not being really is days like that that I think the boys should wear signs that say " I am not misbehaving, I have Autism". Edwin is not into socks and so he had to put on on one of those "manly" footie's. He acted like he was going to put it on and then threw it at the lady! I sat there stupefied, I mean what do you say? I am sorry that my son is throwing stuff at you? No, because it still makes you look like a bad parent who can't control their child. So there I was looking blankly at Edwin wanting to put him in the corner or something and yet again explaining that my boys both have Autism. I fessed up that they both had Autism because this poor lady kept asking Tobey questions, and she was wondering why he didn't talk back to her. Now, here is where the "Autism card" comes in handy...The second I explain that I have 2 sons with Autism, total 360! I go from worst Mother of the year to the best Mother EVER!! No, joke I was treated like a Queen, the cashier was trying to help me find the best deals, another customer gave me coupons to get the boys haircut, even with an offer to take care of them herself. Isn't it weird how when you find out a little bit more about a person's story your view of them changes? It makes you think twice about judging others...

But, we are almost done so the mad dash at 4 stores was worth it...the backpacks are packed and all the clothes and shoes are laid out for next week! On Wednesday after I see group B, (Edwin, Olivia and Tobey) get on the school bus, or as I refer to it....the vehicle to my sanity...I will breathe!

Today, I am taking some time to myself and going to lunch with my friend Sarah and then a jewelry show that is put on by yet another Sarah. I now realize that there is a lot of Sarah's in my life....We are also taking all 7 to the grocery store today in preparation of the new schedule for school time.

We are totally revamping our schedule at home, and when we had the hour long family meeting on Thursday I thought there would be moans and talks of a mutiny. Instead they were excited about it! Even the teenager was in full agreement! I was in shock! I think the part that most excited them is they have a say over the menu for the week. Every week day has a theme...
  • Monday is easy dinner night
  • Tuesday is Foreign food night
  • Wednesday is casserole night
  • Thursday is fun food night
  • Friday is Pizza night

Now, even if a kid ends up with a boring night like casserole night...they get to pick dessert too. So, they are still in a win-win situation! And then Friday night they also vote on a craft, movie or game night! They were so excited that they wanted to start this week. On a side note, I already know that if Edwin chooses a night we will end up with macaroni and cheese....there is already a flaw to the system, I will carry on....

Just so you know, I may take a break from blogging next week....I have not died, unless Edwin has killed me...haha! But we are starting the new schedule and any change to the boys schedule is intense. We will start officially on Monday, I am in hopes that this will simplify my life and give us us a much calmer household, OK,realistically a little calmer household!

I hope you have an awesome week next week!

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