Monday, August 16, 2010

Darden Primary....

I woke eddie up and told him that we needed to get the kids registered ASAP so there will be no delay in them going to school next Wednesday. I have been nervous about how Edwin is going to handle a new school, and Tobey having full days, and Olivia fitting in. So, off we went to Darden.

Tobey has been in Darden for over 2 years with SNAP which is a preschool program for kids with the 'tism. I have been thrilled with that school and the staff is awesome so, when we had a chance to send Edwin and Olivia there I jumped on it! The principal is not only a great guy who has been there forever, he also had a special needs child who passed away last year. He knows my concerns before I can say them. I was astounded to find out that Edwin and Tobey will bring the grand total up to 158 Autistic kids in 1 school! I was in shock, you mean to tell me that there are 156 other parents in this small of an area going through what I am? So, I am taking a freaking ton of welcome letters to the school to be handed out the first week of school to tell about the support group! It is mind boggling to think that so many of us exist! And, it is exciting to think about all the parents out there who have been where we are now and can maybe provide some insight of what is coming up for Tobey and Edwin!

After calling the transportation department and virtually being told that I need to cut the cord, I was a little mad. I don't think they have any idea how fast the little dude is. There is a reason that he is on a leash....not too compare him to a Greyhound....but he just never stops. And then there is the whole meltdown is a bus driver supposed to deal with Tobey hitting himself and bashing his head, pulling out his hair...and then trying to drive a huge vehicle with over 70 kids in it? It just seemed like an unsafe idea. They are going to put him in a special seat and make sure he has an aid now, so I guess I got somewhere with them. Also, Mr. B (the principal) will make sure that there is several aids to get him on and off the bus, so I feel much better now.

I don't know at times if I am being overprotective or being a good parent? There is such a fine line to walk with any kid, not just those that are "special", when am I supposed to start letting go, and when does it get easier to do so? I don't know! I wish Tobey and Edwin came with a manual that said on September 16, 2010 Edwin will like corn and start giving it to him, and then he eats it! Or Friday it will be time to let Tobey walk in the store without a leash, and then magically he stays with me.

Today, I tried to teach Tobey how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He got so frustrated that he threw himself off a bar stool and then started having a meltdown. He hit himself, slapped his face, kicked me when I tried to see if he had an injury, pulled out his hair and threw the remote at the window. I just wanted to cry, and I can't because he needed me. And yet, I am supposed to continue teaching him new seems like a never ending cycle.

One thing that I am thankful of is the biggest draw to Darden, Kate Sullivan, she gets it! She understands my frustration, gets my humor and is such a guiding force when it comes to the boys. Somehow she magically knows when to push and when to back off. I can't wait to see her again. You would think that I should know what to do in every situation for the boys and I just don't. They are human just like the rest of us and evolving and changing all the time, but man is still throws me for a loop!

So, this will be the last blog of the day, I just had to get that off my chest.....enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. I find that mothering is never easy and each child brings his or her own difficulties. Each and everyone we struggle through with tears and suffering and lots of grey hairs! But somehow we never quit loving them more than anything... nevermind giving up that sleep or money or energy when we really don't have any more to give.
    Thank you for expressing your frustrations and joys. Enough of us don't do that at all! I am praying for your own special set of struggles and joys. And that this school year will be refreshing for all of you!
