Monday, August 2, 2010

I am Cody Lundin!!!!!!!

I have a lot to tell you about, but I am feeling cruddy (thanks kids) so I am going to tell you one thing tonight and blog like crazy tomorrow!

My husband is a spur of the moment kind of guy, and announced after we decided to take the kids to the mall...that we were going to the mall in Fort Wayne. Now, I am the controlling, planning, need to write this on the calendar type of person. Even though this side of him drives me freaking nuts, I can see his point.....there are times you try to plan something and the boys are just not going to cooperate.

So, after the longest 2 hours of my life since labor we arrived in Fort Wayne. We walked in to utter chaos and even I am getting overwhelmed. Eddie and I get separated ( I don't want to say why we got will ruin your illusion of out perfect marriage) and at that moment I became Cody Lundin.....

I had Tobey with me (I am sure that surprises you) and I remembered that we should stay at the place that we were separated. So, I stationed myself at the elevator for a half hour, coming to the realization that Eddie was not coming back there...I surveyed my surroundings....I am close to my food source (Orange Julius, Dairy Queen and Blondies Cookies) . I knew that in order to find my lost partner that I must send out some flags. So, I went to every store that I know Eddie would go to (music store, candy store and the place next to the bathrooms) and gave descriptions of a guy in an orange shirt with 6 kids, 2 of which are in car strollers. I then gave myself a good vantage point of being on the top floor overlooking the carousel and the main food court. I then realized that Eddie having no survival skills and 6 kids must be in trouble. I then did my best to flag down outside help and find the security guards. The security guards there are worthless, impossible to catch when escorting a 5 year old who is trying to see everything that spins....

Finally when I am close to exhaustion and getting physically sick from all the sugar I see Eddie and wave him down...We made it folks and I am alive to tell the story!! Tobey Jude however was jacked from all the sugar!

So, that was the the day at the mall and now off to bed and pray that I don't feel like this tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Sure, she did everything by the book...Cody Lundin's book. I'm more of a Dave Canterbury, kill something, eat it's still beating heart, and make a torch out of birch to check my traps kind of guy. I was off getting the grub while Miss Hippie Homemaker was securing "the fort".

    Put some shoes on already...
