Saturday, August 14, 2010

Well today's the day!!!

Today is my first day of dropping the boys off at respite care. I have mixed feelings about it....Last night was another tough night with Tobey and I am very overwhelmed with him right now. I am extremely thankful that we found a good place for them that has plenty of love to spare. I am thankful that it is a place that we can afford considering that state funded respite care is still about 7 years away for them.

So, here is my dilemma that will probably make no sense to anyone besides me...but it is a blog so here I go, and I hope that I don't offend anyone, these are just my current feelings. And, I am sure that after I pick them up and see that they survived the visit I will be ok. Here we go, it is hard for me still sometimes to see us as that family still.....the family with special needs children that has to do things a little different than those "normal" families. It is hard that when I am at the store buying things for the boys that they need for their "visit" and I see someone and they ask how things are going, and I say we we are dropping the boys off for respite....and then they need an explanation of what it is....90% of the time I am totally fine with everything that the boys' need and I don't complain, but that stupid 10% of the time sneaks in there every time that they tack another diagnosis on Tobey, or you have to start something new that the "normal" families have no idea what you are talking about. I wonder if that 10% will ever leave.

I took Tobey grocery shopping today, here is a little fact about Tobey Jude...he is the best kid in the world to shop with. Because he is non-verbal, he obviously doesn't ask me for everything in the store ( it is ok, to laugh at that part!) and he just sits in the cart so patiently and watches the cart wheels spin. At Aldi's a lady came up to me and told how he was one of the best behaved boys she has ever seen. I just laughed and said "Thanks" not telling her that it is not me being an amazing parent(haha) but it was really Tobey being Autistic and shopping is one of his favorite things on Earth to do!

Olivia keeps reminding me that school is starting soon, like I really need to know how many more days are left (11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). She is so excited about going to a new school that doesn't have uniforms. I think that she is going to wear a dress everyday. We are taking the whole crew school shopping on Friday and I am wondering if I should call Payless ahead of time. We have been extremely fortunate this year with people giving us school clothes , so I don't think that I will have to spend near as much money this year! SCORE!!!!

Last night after I watched Cody Lundin (obviously) Lena and I started a scary movie. I bought chips and M&M's, and had us set up and 5 minutes into the movie, she said that she was tired. Really? After I drove all over the greater South Bend area to find the movie? So, the movie night will have to wait!

That is all for today! have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing woman and it is so neat that God gives special needs to families that rise to the challenge. You are a normal family for you!
    I am praying that today goes extrememly well for the boys and for you!
    Bless you all my blog friend!
