Thursday, August 5, 2010


Thursday is usually the last day that I have to finish up all the catch up for the plans I had for the week. Today I will do laundry, try and clean out the fridge, make our grocery list for the week and finally sit down to watch So you Think You Can Dance....

When Tobey was diagnosed with lead poisoning we called a halt to all therapies so we could concentrate on him and the extra work that it has brought. I was relieved at the time, but now I am kind of missing my old routine of driving him all around South Bend. I am ready, as soon as I get out of this house to get him going on them again.

When you have a special needs child or two, you are in this circle and even if you are only sitting in the waiting room, you get a chance to talk to other parents. You know what to say to them if they need a boost, they tell you how to nicely tell the insurance companies where they should go! And, amazingly every time you start to feel sorry for yourself, in walks a parent with their child and you see that things could be worse. Yeah sure Tobey doesn't really talk, but he walks and runs and laughs and tickles. And then you get your own view of life in perspective.

Edwin learned some new words from some guys that were walking in front of our house on Monday, and they are not words that a 9 year old should be repeating. So, I decided to play almost a mind game with him to try and get him to latch onto a better word. I placed my hand in the kitchen door and called Edwin down, I then made it look like I slammed my hand in the door and in my best Academy Award performance I had I yelled at the top of my lungs " OH NUGGET!!!", I then profusely apologized to Edwin for using such language in front of him. I said to him not to use that word ever again....And 5 minutes later he was upstairs yelling "NUGGET" to everyone he seen. Again, this is not good parenting but at least I don't have to worry about him saying that at Church or School. Don't you judge me.......

Well, that is all today my friends.....have a great one!


  1. It could have been barnickles!!!(sp)

  2. Wow, Melissa, that is truly the most brilliant thing I have ever read relating to inappropriate language. I LOVE IT! And I will be sharing it all over, though I'll be sure to credit you. :)

  3. I really hope I hear him say that the next time I get to see you and your brood! If you can capture it on film, it would be priceless. :-)
