Monday, August 9, 2010

The Decision....

Eddie has been given a dream opportunity and any sane person would stop everything they are doing to stop everything they are doing and go for their dream. We however are not sane....Eddie has been given the chance to go back to school on their dime and we have decided to wait for another semester to start. We felt that having 7 kids and 2 of them being....well Edwin and Tobey that we simply need to do this at our pace. For the first time this fall Eddie and I are not going to have any kids to take care of for 5 hours on Fridays, and some help on Tuesdays or Wednesdays (I am talking to you Terri), and I think that we just honestly need to take a break for a little bit, and focus on moving, therapies and the kids. I think adding the chaos of school, may just be too much. So, yes he is going....just not for a few more months.

I am looking forward to school starting if you couldn't tell...It is not just 5 kids going full time, but it is almost like our New Years for the Holstein's. There are new calendars to buy, and new clothes, and the figuring out of the schedules, explaining to the kids for the 50th time that they are only allowed 1 activity a piece.... Even Edwin is ready for the new year, he is ready for his routine to be back, during the summer it is thrown aside, and chaos ensues...The overly scheduled weekends will then turn into baking and movie nights, and family dinners that will force us to look like that family on TV from the 50's. Except I won't be wearing heels and I will be lucky if the kids are not trying to kill each other.

We have also decided to become more laser focused on what is truly important to our family. Our Church is laser focused on impacting the south side of South Bend, and because they focus on that....they get it done. I on the other hand. seem to be going in a million different directions. So, after some soul searching...I have come to the conclusion that we need to focus on our faith and family. But then it offshoots into a thousand things when it comes to our family. Eddie needs to make good money to support a large family, so he needs to go to school, Lena needs to be involved with Arts, Alison-dance, Edwin....way to much to list, Olivia-dance and help overcoming middle child syndrome, Tobey....again to much to list, Emily-preschool and Melody-preschool. I am also big on encouraging good grades and chores. And Bam....I have lost my laser focus and trying to multi-task everything.... Eddie tells me a million times that multi tasking gets me nowhere....he is usually saying this while eating a meal that I cooked while breaking up fights, talking to Lorinda, made a grocery list and explained to Edwin for 100th time that day that it is not OK to tell the neighbors that you are going to blow them up, and lets not forget....somebody ALWAYS needs a band-aid! Even if there is no injury to be seen (what is up with that?).

So there you have it, the crazy life of the Holstein's ! But, you want to hear something crazier? I wouldn't want it any other way.