Friday, August 27, 2010

Blame my husband......

Today, instead of doing my errands and having tons of fun with Emily and Melody painting the town red (where did that saying come from?). I am sitting at the computer and would kinda like to kill my husband! Why? You may ask? Well, my friends he is on his way to the auto parts store on his bike. Why, is he going to the auto parts store? Because of his ridiculous need of adventure of running out of gas. Every week on Friday, I stress the entire way to the gas station as the worlds biggest vehicle dies at every stop light and sign between here and 7-11. To him, it is the ultimate Urban me it is udder embarrassment...I keep my head low to avoid eye contact with the people who pull up to the side of me...I hold onto the handle of the door, for some unknown reason (unless it is my sub-conscious way of not smacking him). I get extremely religious....Please God, just let us make it there 1 more time...I will be a better person, I swear.

It is not always a matter of money, sometimes it is, let's be honest...but there has been times with cash in hand and he runs out. I say "Eddie, really? We ran out of gas?" His answer every time and I quote " I didn't know I was that low!" Really? REALLY? There isn't a little gauge on there that tells you? A little light that shows the blazing emblem of a gas pump? How can you not know?

So, I sit here with the groceries not bought, cable bill not paid and waiting for my husband to come home with a $150.00 starter. I have already prepared myself to run out of gas next week? Why? Because of the starter, it took the gas money....I give up, and waiting until the day when I have my own car!

We did however walk downtown and took Emily and Melody out to eat. And that was fun, we ate at LePeep and had a great breakfast there. Well except for the part when Emily cried her eyes out. She was looking at a guy, probably 20's and Eddie jokingly said that she can't date until she is 43, because he would be dead by then. This made her cry so hard that I had to take her out of the restaurant and apologize to several people around me, who thought that was just adorable! It was not adorable to me....We then walked to Chocolate Cafe' and the girls picked out huge suckers shaped like feathers...

So, that was my day, how about yours?


  1. A.) The starter was going out, it has nothing to do with running out of gas
    B.) We ALWAYS make it to the gas station!!!
    C.) 6 miles...I biked 6 miles...uphill....both ways...3 feet of shoes...swarm of africanized bees...

  2. I love you guys! Melissa, in all your blogs you always find a way to tickle me!!!!! Yes, even in the serious ones you find a way to make me smile in some way.

    Ed, You are just, well, ED!

  3. Eddie, Are you going to be the new Cody Lundeen?

  4. At Eddie, my love you forgot to mention that the car ran out of gas about an hour after you fixed the car!
    At, Buffy thank you, so much and about Eddie you are correct!
    At Lorinda, in my dreams....really in my dreams he is Cody, but on the bike he wore shoes, so he is not Cody yet....but I will keep working on it!

  5. I remember my hubby riging a neighbors bike with gas after we ran out of gas. Kids and I pulled the guitar out of the trunk and played and sang until he returned. He was not happy, but I was!
    You two are amazing. Keep your humor!
