Thursday, August 19, 2010

Is it the 25th yet?

Holy cow, school needs to start already! I love each and everyone of these little people but now, well it's time to go back!

The kids back to school list is insane! And we are insane because tomorrow we are going to try and get all the shopping done in one day! I am as giddy as a kid on Christmas Eve! I even made a folder of all the lists, coupons and sizes! I have a stack of 20 boxes of Kleenex sitting on my desk! I am ready to see them head off on that yellow bus!

I am a little nervous still about Tobey Jude, (there is a surprise) this will be his first time with all day school and our first time dealing with Life Skills. I told my Mother in law the other day that I was nervous about him going to kindergarten full day and she said "Oh, I thought he was going to life skills". Yeah, but it is still kindergarten, I think. Now, I am kinda second guessing myself about the decision.....did I make the right decision about this or have I messed him up? Will he always be considered the "different" one, and should I really care what people think? I would love to tell you that I am evolved enough not to care, but I do. Especially when it comes to him, in one way I wanted him treated like every other child, on the other hand he is not like every other child! Now, that I think about it, it is not the fact that he is going to Life Skills that bothers me, it is the fact that yet again....Tobey Jude is being treated differently and labeled again....Wow, Oprah that was an AHA moment! I simply need to get over it!

Alison will be in middle school this year, and that is going to be a new thing for her! She told me yesterday that she is nervous, but I know Alison and when she comes home there will be stories of her 5 best friends and how the lunch ladies are neat!

Edwin is ready to go to school, even though I know he is going to miss people at Madison! I got an email yesterday from one of his favorite teachers telling me that she heard a rumor that he was leaving her! She is going to come to our Church down the road and see him. That will make his day.

Olivia is wanting school to start now! She loves learning, and is just super smart! I hope though that she finds some great friends and can start reaching her own personal goals, I explained it is a new year and this is a new start!

Lena, well she just wants to see boys! I have explained to her so many times that she is not allowed to date yet, and MUST wait for marriage so many times that I think the other kids have the speech memorized. But, I worry, she has been the most boy crazy from the beginning.

One thing that I am most looking forward to is spending some time with Emily and Melody! I LOVE my time with those two! They are so much fun, I just love their age! If I had to pick my favorite age it is defiantly the toddler age, which most people dread. They have no idea how wonderful that age is compared to teenagers! They'll learn.

Well, the kids are bugging Eddie to death, so I am off to control the mass of children! Have a good one, and have I mentioned that I am ready for school to start?


  1. I am very ready too!
    As for Tobey Jude, you are doing the right thing. He will be learning what he needs to learn. He is different, but all kids are. Not one of them is like the other. (insert tune here from Sesame Street). He will have fun, and any extra time you need me to keep Melody and Emily to go and hang out at school to see what is going on, just let me know!
    Did I say that I am ready for them to go back to school too?!?!?!?!!

  2. I am ready for them to go back also. I think they are ready also!!!! I am also worried about Kya. I think I am more worried about her than she is. I will also miss the alone time I had with her. I love the toddler years but I have loved every year so far. Maybe I just love being a momma.
