Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Our "Family" second try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I can't find the blog I wrote....sadly it was the best blog in the history of all blog's. It is now lost forever, I dare say! So, here is my feeble attempt at recreating a masterpiece....

I know that I have said it many times before, but our biological families are not your typical families. There are no reunions, as far as our parents go, and all of my Grandparents are gone. We don't really have huge Birthday parties for our kids with the families over because everybody just has thier own lives and we were made to feel like it is an inconvenience to have them. I do understand their point I guess, we do have 7 kids. We do see both sides at Christmas, which is nice....but that is it really.

I felt that it was us, that we were this unlovable family that was made to feel like a burden to everyone else. Because we have never felt that love and acceptance from them, we became drawn in and almost stopped experiencing life and scared to even try to do better for ourselves because of no support, confidence and an overwhelming fear of failure yet again.

When we walked into LSC for the first time, I remember for the first time feeling like we fit in for the first time, and these people LOVE us, I don't mean that they just say it....we feel it. Every week we walk in there and I am greeted like I always thought families were supposed to greet you. They are our "created" family and I LOVE them for it.

So, let me tell you about a few of them, I can't mention them all....there is over 500! But, first my friend Lorinda.....Lorinda and Ed have 3 little girls who seem to have fallen for my Edwin, and they are 3 of the cutest gals I know. Lorinda and I have this amazing kinship in that we both have children with special needs, we feel the same on issues, we are both married to Ed's, and no matter what we is going on in our lives...we talk to each other with no judgement. We are going to Disney with them and I can hardly wait for it!!! Lorinda is like big sister I never had, but better.

I met CJ when I was at Church for a few months and she was just like superwoman. She has 2 kids with special needs and is involved with everything that is thrown at her, including the support group I am starting at Church. She seems to know what I need before I can even tell her and has been an amazing resource to me in all areas of life. I am in hopes that hanging around her will help me with scheduling and organization...we'll see, I am not holding my breath!

Buffy, I met in the oddest of way's. We lost our home in a fire and she and Tammy were in charge of helping us start our lives over...not easy for a family of 9! But, lately without even knowing she has pulled me out of my comfort zone of going over to peoples homes with Tobey and Edwin and actually helped me rediscover my love of cooking. Every week I go over I try a new recipe out and it is quickly becoming one of my favorite times of the week!

It is so neat that God gave me this amazing family, and put all these women in my life and there are so many more there. And here is a crazy thing...the more that I find out about them the more I learn about crazy cool is that?

1 comment:

  1. I love you to. And yes, the girls love Edwin. All three of them do. I think it's the only thing they have ever agreed on!!!!
