Friday, August 13, 2010

Today's blog

Usually when I blog I sit down for 20 minutes and just type away. I don't usually have any preconceived ideas really about what I am going to write about until I sit down. But today I had it in the back of my mind to talk about Grandma and Grandpa Sims, unfortunately every word I was typing was not doing them justice. It is one of those times when there are no words. So, I am actually going to work on it over the weekend and try to do their story some justice. Even though they have been gone for a long time ( Grandpa 16 years and Grandma 10 years) their impact on my life is still there daily. When I nearly died from MRSA after having a c-section from Tobey, I thought of how Grandma was when she had Polio, when I had days when my back just made it impossible to breathe let alone walk, I thought of how she couldn't walk for 50 years. Every night I give Tobey his medicine and I just wish he would say something, I remember how my Grandpa towards the end of a long battle with Alzheimer's couldn't talk either and I couldn't love him any less. I model my marriage after theirs, to depend fully on each other and to be totally honest with each other. To keep your sense of humor going when it is hard not to cry. My faith is modeled after them, how they lived a true Christian life. They had an impact on so many people and I hope that someday my grand kids will say the same about us.

I actually fell deeply in love with Eddie when not only did he love my Grandma. but he was not scared of her disability. Most guys would be scared around someone who needed help to do everything from go to the bathroom and making meals. Not only did it not scare him, but it got to the point where Grandma was going on dates with us to the mall and out to eat, I think we even went to the movies a few times with her. I remember joking around with Grandma that he would have to marry both of us. When my Dad called off our wedding a month before the was Grandma who made everybody come to their senses. So, anyway I hope to have everything written down and ready on Monday....

Today we are taking the kids to the Blueberry farm to go picking. One of the many things about having great friends is how they can make you try new things. Lorinda this year has had me go peach and strawberry picking already this year, and I really enjoy it. I wonder if she is going to have me picking oranges when we go to Florida?

Well, that is all for today...I hope that you have a great weekend, even though it is way to hot!


  1. We could pick oranges and grapefruit if you want-yum!!!!!!!

  2. really? REALLY??? IT'S A VACATION!!!!

  3. Don't you have fun on our little picking adventures!!!!! BTW Uncle Ed thought you all were grat. He also loves Livvie

  4. I thought Uncle Ed was great! Looking forward to getting to know him better. Loved how he wasn't scared off by the kids so, that's a point in my book!
