Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Holstein news....

Well, our little trooper is doing great and the family has survived the trauma of August 2010! To be honest though August has been a tough month for us so, I will be glad to say goodbye to it!

Tobey has had some health issues this month that I would be a very happy person if I never have to see that again! He has had a real good week this week though.

The car breaking down was not a barrel of laughs, I am so glad that Eddie was able to fix it and save us some major money!

There has been the start of school, and ALL the school age kids had some major changes this year. Lena had to switch classes for the first time, and yesterday she received her first detention (she is excited, guess who the teacher is....) and Alison going to middle school was a scary thing for her, she has done well. Edwin and Olivia switching schools though has gone very well and Tobey going to Lifeskills has been the biggest adjustment. With all those changes the kids have been doing great, and we are still sane!

I finally got a chance yesterday to talk to Alison about Melody's accident, she is still upset about it. Even though I had the speech prearranged in my mind, it just wasn't coming out right. Eddie had to take over, and I think that we finally got it in her head that it was an accident, we were never mad at her, and Melody is fine! We also talked to Lena to let her know that it was simply a freak accident and probably happening to a kid as we speak.

Emily, being the little mother she is, has not left Melody's side. She does everything for her. Melody has caught on to this already and milking this for all it's worth. Yesterday, I noticed her tell Emily that she couldn't get her blanket. Emily was across the room, the blanket was on Melody's feet. I am going to give her another day or 2 of this, and then she is back in the game!

I have learned a few things from all of this though. I worry quite a bit that my kids will not be close to each other. Neither Eddie or I are close to our siblings. But when I came home to what should have been a sleeping house at 10:30 pm on a school night, I walked into all the kids but Tobey standing in the living room to greet Melody. It was so neat to see that, but the love lasted only 2 minutes because they needed their sleep! I now realize that I have some of the coolest kids in the world. I also realized how much 1 injury just changes the dynamics of a home. We are used to revolving around Tobey, but this has been a huge change. I have had to leave the Tobey care to Eddie more and the homework stuff with Lena. I think I finally seen that maybe I don't need to control EVERYTHING, there are other people here.

So, I am ready for September to come and say Hello! We are defiantly going to the Blueberry fest this weekend, so I am looking forward to that, we are in hopes of seeing some old friends there, so that will be great!

So, as this comes to a close...I have 2 last things to say. I apologize if this is not one of the best written blog entries on the planet. I have had about 4 hours sleep in the past 2 days. And also, I have gotten some of the most amazing notes and messages on facebook about our family and prayers for our Melody. I am humbled by everything you guys have said, and THANK YOU!! I am saving everyone of them! Thank you for taking the time to do that, I appreciate it more than you will ever know!

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