Friday, August 6, 2010

What are you talking about?

Over the past year when we take out the whole crew to the park, or Farmer's Market or even Wal-Mart....I have been asked if we were a quiver full family. Now I had no idea what the heck they were talking about....We are a large family, a tired family, and at times we are even a crazy family...ok all the time!

So, I finally decided to look up what they were talking about.....It is a group of Evangelical Christian Conservatives that believe that all children are a gift from God, and believe in no forms of sterilization or birth control.

So, now that I know what they are talking about....I am emphatically saying that no, we are not. Are children a blessing from God? Absolutely!!!! But the rest does not relate to us in the least, except that we are Christians, just non-denominational ones.

I love, really love having a large family. But, we had a large family as a choice, not because we felt that we were the worlds best parents and that we must pro- create for the good of the Earth. We also knew when we had enough and decided to call it quits! But, having a large family, I believe should be a choice not a requirement of our love to God. Now, that being said I love watching the Duggars I am inspired by her patience, thriftiness and the fact that she home schools. But I am not Michelle! I am a Mom who gets tired, and I have never canned a thing in my life, nor have I made any clothes.

I also don't think that having a large family should be a light decision. There is a lot to consider that no one tells you about. My biggest issue besides groceries and doing " normal" things is I try my hardest at making sure that each kid is treated as an individual, not as that group with 7 kids. They are all amazing in their own ways and all have their own unique talents...I strive to pull that out of them. But even I mess that up. It's hard and I have never seen that mentioned in any book. As much as I admire the Duggars...I have no idea which one is which.
So, there you have it...I should print up copies of this to hand out at the Farmers Market!

Have a great weekend!

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