Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Moo News....First Edition

We have had big news at the Holstein home........

Edwin has now been officially called a "Recovering Autistic" , now I am not a here is my feeble attempt at explaining this. A recovering alcoholic, will always be considered an alcoholic....Edwin will always be Autistic....I can't change that, it's him. As Edwin is getting older he is becoming more tolerant of crowds, better socially....more like a normal kid. He will always talk in his monotone voice (which I kinda love about him) and he will always have to stem( a way to calm his brain). But now we are faced with new and exciting challenges....first we are getting him to a dietitian. Edwin eats macaroni and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, chips, ham, chicken nuggets and fries. There are no vegetables and fruit on that list. So, on Friday we take him for labs and then come up with a plan for the dietitian of getting him to eat a green bean hopefully! Also, we need to focus on getting him to become ...well, a boy. We are putting him on a special basketball team, and even though I love his individuality, no more of wearing his sisters' clothes, which he does for some unknown reason...As she was telling me this in my mind I was kind of imagining Pinocchio, we now have to make him a real boy! I am excited.

Eddie found out 2 days ago that his job is sending him back to school on their dime for a Bachelors in Engineering with minors in management and computers. He has wanted to go back to College since I met him and has always been one of his biggest regrets in life. It is going to take him 5 and a half years to finish but the rewards are great. I am concerned about how we are going to handle the schooling with our schedules. Since he became a supervisor I take care of the kids by myself most of the time and with each kid having their own activities and then you know I like to is not going to be easy.

We are hoping to move soon and the house that we really truly want is just at our grasp and we just need to hear the final verdict on it. The health department is being butt heads about getting paperwork to our landlord and all the while my Tobey is still in a home that is not safe for him. I haven't talked about it much, but it is like living on eggshells here with everything that Tobey can't be around or touch. It is also costing me like $30 bucks a week extra for dairy things for him because I am trying to do everything that I can naturally for him to bring down the lead while living here. But, the little dude wants to play outside, and that is not possible here.

The rest of the gang is doing great and everyone is finally over over the stomach bug of 2010. Today we are just hanging out until Eddie wakes up and hopefully it stops raining long enough for me to have some alone time with Olivia and go for a walk.

So, that is all here............have an awesome day!


  1. I'm so proud and happy for you!!
    My grown husband hates vegetables. I blend them up into stuff he WILL eat - like pasta sauce and ground beef, with the food processor. You should try that. :)
    It's all going to work out. You are always in God's hands. You're blessed!

  2. I have never heard the term "recovering autistic". Interesting. I'll have to do some reading; I like learning new things.

    And congrats to Eddie! That is wonderful news!

    I'll be praying with you about the house. :)
