Monday, August 30, 2010

The Picnic..*dramatic theme*

It is simply impossible for us to go under the radar, 7 kids, one on a leash, I tell my life story on a blog....we do not blend into the background....I am getting used to that, I tell Eddie when we get the TLC show (ha) that we must get used to it. He says that our family life could not handle him becoming an instant sex symbol....I think we would muddle through somehow...

Anyway, we dropped the boys' off at respite, you know that place we take the boys' so we can get a break and headed off to have fun with the 5 girls. I was looking forward to some stress free time. Our Pastor kindly helped us out with the line, the kids were all happy to enjoy time without the boys, and playing at the park after they gorged themselves with food! And then I looked at Alison swinging really high, Emily swinging, Lena swinging, Olivia on the slide and no Melody....I am not panicking but concerned and thought that I should tell Alison to be careful swinging so high and headed over to tell her to slow down and find Melody....Well, let's just say that we killed to birds with one stone... Alison slowed down on the swing when the swing struck Melody with full force to her forehead! Lena jumped off the swing and let out this scream that I wish I could forget, she picks up Melody and I run over and all I see is blood all over that little face. I got her from Lena and then remembered that Eddie and the insurance cards and the cell is with him, and he is picking up the boys from respite. Of course, our poor Pastor Sam, the guy who probably wants to change his number every time I call...was the person I ran to. Now, I have told you before how amazing our Church is and how loving they are about to hear it again.

I immediately had a trained nurse take over and got pressure on her head, now I am usually good with medical stuff....but when you see your child's skull...all rationality has left your body! I probably would have just kept carrying her around screaming my head off. But everyone just took over, there was no asking them...I immediately had someone with Emily, there was someone calming Alison, some keeping Olivia away from seeing Melody, and even someone met Eddie at the car to warn him of what he was about to see. A guy, gave up his shirt to help stop the bleeding, someone was wiping blood off of me, and trying to calm me down...I was worse than Melody. Sam, called 911 and then came a firetruck and we went.

Melody liked the ambulance ride, the firefighter Mike gave her a bear...the ER though, holy cow...gaping wound on a 3 year old and we had a 2 hour wait! I was starting to get upset, but not gutsy enough to be mean. I was feeling sorry for myself, feeling angry that they were making us wait, crying because the whole situation was overwhelming. And then I seen a family be told that a loved member had just died. Whoa, who am I to be feeling sorry for myself when I know things could have been so much worse. I prayed for that family, I prayed that I learn to be thankful for every minute I have with my family, even if it is sitting in the ER and being the only people not wearing pajama pants.

After what seemed like a lifetime we made our way back into a room, and feeling like we won the freaking lottery! We found out that she needed 22 stitches, some of them internal to put the muscle back together. After applying the topical numbing stuff which was called lead, no joke! She fell asleep and was the perfect patient, no crying or even whining. We found out that we had a 50/50 chance of a brain injury with this kind of trauma with the force of it, and her age. We are so blessed!

Today, Melody is getting lot's of love and tons of attention and running all over the place, even though I wish I could strap her to a bed! She is awesome, we are blessed and our Church ROCKS!!!!

So, even though we were trying to go under the radar, we interrupted the entire picnic, freaked out a ton of people, and Pastor Sam didn't get to do the relay race...I have been called a hero for saving everyone from that one though! As, my husband always says...that is how we roll!

I also want to say that I have no idea of everyone who helped, to be honest I may have never met you....but THANK YOU for being there, for helping our family yet again, I LOVE each and everyone of you Living Stoner's!

So, here is my piece of advice for the day....stay away from the swings!


  1. It's a shame, because Jennae Gee and I were going to RULE the three legged race...DOMINATE!!!!

  2. Melissa, oh my goodness! I am so glad she's OK! We cut out before the games started, so I didn't know she'd been hurt. Hugs from us to Melody!

  3. we're going to replace your LSC shirt for free! :-) Give Melody a hug for me. You guy continue to heroes.
