Sunday, January 2, 2011


Well, here it is, and I have decided to share some of our family's New Year's resolutions...(this is the husband)...

  1. Lena resolves to have less of her teenage attitude towards us...epic fail...

  2. Alison resolves to be a good big sister towards her younger siblings...

  3. Edwin resolves to shoot everyone

  4. Olivia resolves to be a good student

  5. Tobey resolves to talk...AND HE DOES!!!!

  6. Emily resolves to be cute...constatnly...Epic success

  7. Melody resolves to be a weirdo...victory!

  8. Melissa resolves to take care of herself more...She deserves it!

  9. And I resolve to blog more...*evil laugh*

But, as a family, we resolve to walk closer with Christ, eat together more, and love well. Happy New Year, my dear readers...I hope all of your resolutions are successful!

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