Thursday, January 13, 2011

About Ted Williams.....

Disclaimer: As you know I usually blog about my family, Church, Autism...and as of recent, appliances. But not today, and this may turn into a rant, you have been forewarned.

I love hearing the story about Ted Williams life. If you have ever been done and out you know how hard it is to get back on your feet. And can almost be impossible without family support, which brings me to today's blog.

If I could, I wish that I could talk to this man's Mother. Now, before I go off on Ted's mom, I would like to point out that I am not the perfect Mom, and I have never claimed to be. I have messed up in more ways than I could ever count, and should probably apologize to my children daily. I also don't like to be judgemental of people, but I am human and as I said, admittedly not perfect.

So, here we go my thoughts to Ted's mother....How did you sleep at night? How do you lay your head on your pillow, say your prayers and rest knowing that your child is on the street? A child that you birthed, changed diapers, helped with homework , fed and clothed....

Did you just pretend he didn't exist for 10 years? Did you make Christmas dinner for the rest of the family and just avoided the topic of Ted while sitting around a ham?

Did you think of your son while you were going to your Church and hearing how Jesus helped the ones that needed him most? And think of how he needed you to help him and show him the way to him?

You said that you prayed, is that all you have to do? Is it ok to wipe your hands of your son and figured you have done all you can?

I heard her in an interview saying that she needed to protect herself... Motherhood is not about you, it is about sacrifice....not selfishness. It is throwing yourself under the bus, so they don't get a scratch. Parenthood is not done with when they turn 18 or when things get hard. You don't just retire from is not a job, it is a resposibilty and a gift that you can't just return when they are "broken".

I know that Ted Williams is not the only homeless person around. I pass "signers" everyday without a second thought. It has almost become second nature to see homelessness out there, and they probably have families that have given up on them and avoid their names at the dinner table. So, maybe I shouldn't pick on Ted's mom (even though it drives me nuts with all of her furs and fur accessories). Maybe that is what things have come to now....say a prayer, ignore their signs and wipe your hands of the whole mess.

My heart just goes out to Ted, we faced homelessness with the fire, we have been forgotten with our families...and thank God, we have been redeemed. I hope that Ted keeps having miracles in his life. I hope that he has a great life and can get over the past.....

And tomorrow when I am having a lunch date with Eddie, I will probably look at the "signers" in a different way...they all have a story, and probably been turned away from the ones that should love them the most.

So, that is all today....have a good one....

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