Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday night.....

This is Mr.Tobey Jude at school when he got off the bus...Why is Tobey sleeping? Good question...Tobey went to bed at 6:37 am, and we get up at 6:40. I probably should have kept him home, hindsight is always 20/20.
Edwin woke up around midnight screaming his head off, by the time I got him settled in (4 hours), Tobey was wide awake and there was no hope of him going back to sleep. By the time Eddie got home from working a 10 hour shift I was not a happy mother. He watched the kids so I could take a nap...but I was not in a good mood. It has been a little while since I had pulled an all-nighter with Tobey and I amount of practice.
So, here is the big news around here. Lena has her first semi-formal dance next weekend! I have been waiting for one of these since she was born. I never got to do this with my Mom, so I am giddy with excitement! Alison has had a lot of playdates with her new friend. Edwin got on honor roll!!!!! The boy that kept getting sent home from Madison is now on honors at Darden!!!! I am so proud of him! Olivia is busy planning a wedding for her Minnie doll, we don't have a Mickey doll so the whole thing may end badly. Tobey has figured out how to ride the dog. Emily now is sporting a butterfly tattoo. And Melody? Well she has discovered a new show on tv and we have lost control over the big screen!
Friday I am taking a first aid and CPR class at the Red Cross. I have heard then say that the mouth to mouth part, that is a relief it always creeped me out.
The kids are getting so excited about going to Disney...we are leaving on April 1st!!!! Edwin wants to hug Mickey....how cute is that? It is taking a lot more planning than I thought it would. We have never even had a family vacation, let alone one like this. I had no idea how many reservations and figuring out everything took. It will all be worth it though. The kids talk about it daily...
Well, that is all today! Have a good one!

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