Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A conversation with the almost 6 year old Tobey!

Now one thing I have always wanted was a conversation with Tobey Jude and yesterday I kinda got it! So, here it is, in about as much detail as I can....

Tobey was looking in Olivia's backpack and found a candy cane from her Christmas Party at school.....I heard him say "Nice!".

He then brought me the candy cane to open it and I told him that we have to be quiet so the other kids don't try to take it from him....He said "Shhhhh" and put his finger up to his mouth.

As he ran off with his treasure I heard him say "CAAAAANNNNDDYYY CAAAANE!", now I know we weren't exactly pouring out our hearts and souls, but that was just cool. He has also been putting his toys to bed and he says good night and gives them kisses...too cute! He is doing so well, and it is such an honor to watch it!

Olivia is home sick today with a temperature, I think she will be fine for school on least she better be! We have our lead appointment and the less kids I have here the better.

Since we are having the lead people out tomorrow and I may not have time to get on here on Tobey's is some facts that you may not know about Tobey (even though you probably know a lot of them)!

  • Tobey's favorite food is anything with noodles.
  • His favorite veggie is corn on the cob and he acts like a monster when he eats it!
  • Every morning he wakes up happy and laughing.
  • He hums the theme song from the Elf movie when it is snowing outside and I am putting on his coat for the bus.
  • He only eats the frosting off of cake and cupcakes (butter cream).
  • He plays with his cars so long that he wears the paint off.
  • He sleeps with his cars, and I can tell you that waking up with a matchbox car in your back is not fun!
  • He LOVES shopping, I think it is the wheels on the carts that draws him in.
  • He will take off at Meijer's for some reason and has caused a code Adam more than once!
  • He will say the word "cookie" when we drive by McDonald's, and we have to stop and get him the chocolate chip one.
  • When he gets home from school he will open the dishwasher and dryer to see what has changed in them while he was gone!
  • He is the only non-verbal in his class and yet gets into the most trouble!

Happy Birthday Tobey Jude, you have changed my life and made me a better person! I love you!!!!!

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