Monday, January 24, 2011


Sometimes, I think about the generation gap between my kids and myself. It really is amazing the difference 20+ years can make. Here is an example:
When I was growing up, one of my husbands favorite cartoons on Saturday mornings(Saturday morning cartoons are an example all by themselves!) was The Flintstones. He remembers when networks actually thought enough of cartoons to have spin offs!
Today, most of what the kids watch (wow, do I sound old) is CGI and cartoons about card games and monsters. I was always a fan of Strawberry Shortcake.
What got me thinking about this is when Emily asked to watch a cartoon about Fred the Caveman. She wasn't interested in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Spongebob Squarepants. She wanted to watch one of the classics! Ed was very pleased with this.
On the flip side, My kids will one day tell their kids about the good old days when Spongebob was on nickelodeon and MTV didn't play music!
They will reminisce about Jersey Shore and Lindsay Lohan and her many stints in rehab.
"I remember when you could get a candy bar for only $1.50!!!"
"Are you going to wear that out? When I was your age, our skirts went all the way down to our upper thigh!"
"We used to have to wait a full 2 minutes for our microwave to cook food!"
"Snoop Dogg wasn't always president of the U.S. He used to be a rapper!"
I officially know now what my parents felt! They always predicted it. "Someday, when you have kids, you'll know what I'm talking about!"
O well, time to take my Geritol and drink some prune juice. Ow, my hip!

1 comment:

  1. Melissa you crack me up!! It's so very true though. I can't believe how terrible most cartoons are today. Thank goodness for PBS or I don't think Bella would be allowed to watch any! Isn't it scarey though how our parents were right. Hopefully someday our kids will say that about us...LOL!
