Friday, January 14, 2011

The Lead strikes again!

Today the lead department was supposed to come over and check out the new house. But yesterday they called us and informed us that yet again Tobey's level has spiked up to a scary number again....So, they are coming out next Thursday to do a more thorough check of the new house. I don't think it is this house, I think that it spiked at the last one. For all I know Tobey ate a lead chip on his last day at the house as a final farewell to the house....

So, Eddie and I are going to enjoy the lunch date and then tonight we are going to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate Olivia's 8th birthday and Tobey's 6th, and we are going to have a great time and not discuss lead. And then we are going to go stricter on the diet on Monday and focus more on getting rid of this metal and getting on with our lives. No offense to Paige the lead health nurse, but I would be happy to never see this lady again. Unfortunately, if Tobey "drops" at a normal level...we are still looking at a year. And I love Tobey but, he does nothing normal!

Edwin has been a holy terror at school lately, and not much better at home. I don't know what the heck his issue is...but there has been hitting and cussing. So, as you can guess we have been getting a lot of notes lately.

Melody cut her hair AGAIN!!!! Eddie and I have come to the conclusion that she either wants a mullet or just go full on bald! Do we just let her go bald as a sign of self expression? I explained to her yesterday that I will let her go bald when she turns 18...Emily chimed in that is when she plans on getting a tattoo. I am obviously very talented at raising rebels! We all have our callings....

So, I am off to seize the day and do great things like drop the girls off at the sitters, and go to the grocery store and try to get cupcakes home without knocking them over....have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. If I can get her to hold her head still enough I will go back in and see if I can get it to look less like a mullet. We will see!
