Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pre-verbal Tobey, the teenager, Olivia and life.....

I read several blogs, one of them is called Mother To Shrek and it is about a mother of a non-verbal 20 something that is very similar to Tobey's diagnosis. I am not sure how I feel about the title of her blog....comparing her son to Shrek, but I have raised eyebrows at the school calling Tobey stud muffin. I will go on....

Anyway, she has started calling her son pre-verbal and not non-verbal, and in the simple change she has taken from a son that can't talk to a son that WILL talk and I just love that and officially stealing it.

Things are better here with Eddie and the hormonal teenager....Eddie finally sees my view and has realized that as usual I am right (will he ever learn?) and to be honest I see his view. As always Freud is right on target with the whole it is always the Mother issue. Eddie wants to be the kids friend because he wants a close relationship with the kids when they are adults. Me? I want them to be productive people what can handle what life gives them. There has got to be a way to do both.

I need to be more understanding of her feelings and that is something that I need to work on...This was a rough week with starting a new school and then having to actually walk to school. I don't think that this parenting thing gets any easier....

On to yet another happening. Today is Olivia Grace's birthday. Yep, the same day as Elvis'. She is now 8 years old which just seems insane. We had her party with the siblings yesterday and then Friday we are going to Chuck E. Cheese and meeting some friends there to celebrate the double birthday this month...Olivia and Tobey. So that will be fun, a nice break from the chaos of moving.

So, here is some facts about Olivia.....
  • She was the first baby of the year at Knox hospital if that tells you how small of a hospital it was. They had to call in staff and open up the wing when I got there.
  • She has a major obsession with baby dolls and makes me babysit them when she is at school.
  • She loves to plan things and make lists....parties, crafts, movie nights.
  • Her favorite foods are spinach, broccoli and brussel sprouts ( I know weird...).
  • She loves school and has been referred to by her teacher as the smartest kid she has had in 20 years.
  • She still hangs out with her kindergarten teacher.
  • She is NOT a morning person!
  • She loves Princesses.
  • Her favorite cartoon is The Regular Show.

So Happy Birthday to my middle child who has brought me so many hugs and kisses and has taught me so many things. Mommy loves you bunches!

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