Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tobey's new things

I am not sure if it is because of the new house or Tobey just hitting a developmental stage, but the boy is having some changes.

Lately, he has been humming Lady Gaga's Paparazzi to himself, like non-stop. It is cute but I am totally blaming his Dad on that one. Occasionally he will actually sing the words. I guess that it is normal for non- verbal kids to sing, but in my feeble mind I can't understand why he can't have a conversation yet. I guess it is not for me to know, I am thankful for what I get from him.

He has decided that he likes mirrors and this house being true 70's style has a lot of them. The funniest thing is he goes into the bathroom and checks himself out in the medicine cabinet. Unfortunately the Tobey in the mirror is non-verbal and the conversation does not get very far. He also enjoys dancing in the mirrors that we have in the living room, lately he has been dancing to Lady Gaga and not The Beatles.....Eddie will pay for this one!

Another new thing with Tobey is the boy is very fond of books. And he is insistent on me reading to him every night. To be honest because of his activity level I haven't read to him that much. It is very hard to read when you are being jumped on! But now, as long as the book involves Cars he is all too happy to sit down and read.

And the last is he has started watching TV, now we watch a lot of TV in this house....too much. But Tobey can not usually sit still for us watch anything with him but now he is into Phineas and Ferb ( I am like 100% that I spelled that wrong!) and he is really loving it. So, I would like to take a moment to thank Comcast for having it On Demand. You have given me 20 minutes to breathe.

OK, so I lied the last thing is he has become the official toilet flusher of the house. The dude will stand outside of the door and wait for you to get out. And just as I am typing this blog he has flushed the downstairs toilet 3 times. No one has been in there, but he must have seen a need. I am excited to see what my water bill is going to be.

So that is life with Tobey, and I love the dude....but when does school start up?

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