Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Funny how things work out....

Yesterday morning I woke up as a stay at home Mom and went to bed as an employed one! Weird how things work out....

Eddie and I make do, and the care and time it takes for 7 kids is overwhelming, so we made a decision that when I took off time from having back surgery that I would simply not go back (no pun intended) to work at Target. Now, I LOVED my job at Target and I miss the discount so bad I could cry, but at the time it was way too hard to juggle 7 kids and working.

But a few months ago, I was toying with getting a job, not really putting in apps and stuff but keeping things open....And then we moved here. The house is so easy to take care of and the kids are getting older....and I started thinking that maybe I should get more serious about getting a job. I knew that there was things that I didn't want to do....retail-simply getting sick of it, Starbucks- fun for a day and then you get sick of smelling coffee, and then I have a lot of experience at Nursing Homes, but not really wanting to try and take care of 30 people by myself and lifting up people all day long with the back issues. So, I felt kinda stuck and then I got a phone call from some friends at Church wanting to hire me to help with special needs adults in their homes....flexible hours, decent pay and I am somewhat (haha) comfortable with special needs. WOW!!!! I am nearly giddy that I am going to get paid to do something that I am already passionate about! And there are willing to help provide financial help for the Precious Stones group...what more could I ask for? So, next is first aid training, CPR and med certification and then I am good to go!

Alison has made a really good friend in our new neighborhood, she is just adorable and Edwin has already fallen head over heels in love with her! Of course just like everybody in the world, she has her story. She has a cochlear implant and some other issues, but here is how she has stolen all of our hearts....especially mine. Her Mom is in need of a liver transplant and dying....just doesn't seem fair. Saturday when she was here I sat at the dining room table, just us and we talked about Mom's. She is the same age I was when my Mom was dying and it was almost like seeing a little me..... So after our long talk...we put on a fashion show, talent show and sang pop songs. I told her to come back anytime....I just want to see her be a kid and not lose that. So, they are in need of prayers.....

Tobey is going to be 6 in 2 days!!!! Just doesn't seem real, probably because he is the size of a 4 year old....We have had some changes with him lately, they are bittersweet.....We are getting more language with him daily which seems amazing and is the best thing in the world to hear. And then we are seeing more "Autism qualities" more hand flapping, excessive blinking and zoning out. Autism is one of those things where it is 2 steps froward and 1 step back. I am happy as long as he keep stepping forward.

We are just going to have a small party at home this year, but I am actually going to wrap his gifts this time. He used to never open them....he would simply stare at them. Now the boy loves opening gifts....the difference a year makes!

We had a great time at Chuck E. Cheese.....the kids turned in like 200 tickets and we came home with a marker, coloring page and suckers. Oh, I forgot they also got gum.....it is now attached to Lucy. Edwin wants to go back in March for his birthday....I don't know if I will be ready to go back that soon! That is one thing with having a lot of kids....there is a lot of party's!

Today we are cleaning the house and going to try and have a family meeting to discuss such fun topics of....healthier eating, Mom's new job and everyone wanted the dog, why am I the only one who takes care of it? We are also going to talk about an increase in chores....the kids will be soooo happy! That was sarcasm.....I hope you have a great day! See you on Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on all your new beginnings! Those who need you are drawn to you and I just love that!
