Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lucy Sky....

I figured that I should tell you more about our newest family member, Miss Lucy Sky. I have never been a dog person, I like the convenience of cats. They don't bother you, you don't have top get out of bed to take them out and they don't like car rides. But, last year we watched a Hallmark movies called A Dog Named Christmas and I knew that I wanted a dog for the boys. The movie was about a young man who obviously was Autistic or something and he wanted a dog to foster for the holidays. Well, you probably know the ending he gets to keep the dog and everyone lives happily ever after.

Eddie and I talked about getting a dog for the kids for Easter last year and then the whole lead thing happened, so it was put on the back burner (everything was) and then Lucy Sky was literally dropped in our laps. My Dad is a landlord and one of his tenants has her and couldn't afford her vet care or food and so he let us know about her needing a new family. And she just happens to look like the dog in that Hallmark movie....funny how things work out!

Now as I said earlier I wanted a dog for the kids, but I did not want the work of one. But Lucy has not been any work at all and she is just great with the kids and a perfect fit for our family. Tobey runs around the house screaming "Dog!" and she plays tag with him. Melody loves playing fetch with her, Emily has dressed her up twice and Edwin just likes laying on her. I never seen the appeal to dogs before we had her....Now? I don't see us not having her. Right now Emily and Melody are using her as a pillow and watching Beauty and the Beast.

So enough about the dog, do you know what is on TV this Sunday? Big Love! Ohhh, I love that show...it is the final season which is sad, I will find a way to carry on somehow. If you have never seen this show it is about a polygamist family in Utah (are they anywhere else?) and the trials they face with their lifestyle. So, if you have HBO you need to watch it, best show EVER! I think I watch way too much TV....

So, that is all for today. I hope you have a great one! Talk to you later I am off to find the floor in Edwin's room again.

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