Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Figuring out the house....

Well, first off we LOVE our new home but I must be an idiot when it comes to appliances. Just yesterday I finally figured out the dishwasher! For some reason if I wash the glasses on the top rack they come out horrible, bottom rack....perfect! And I finally figured out the right settings to wash them on...I am getting there.

The dryer is the newest dryer we have ever had, even though I bought it used. Because of some energy efficiency thing I can't just put it on regular dry and then come back in an hour. They only dry well if I put it on permanent press with no time....

And now? The freaking beeping stove! It is a gas stove which for cooking I love. It also bakes beautifully, I have baked a ton of cookies. But, if you take too long to light the stove it beeps. And for the life of me I can't turn it off! I used the oven the other day and I used the timer, even though I knew in my soul I should NOT have used the timer...and it beeped for 2 hours. And then just out of the blue the oven gets really hot (I have not turned it on) and beeps like crazy! I can not count how many times we are eating dinner and some one has to get up and try to turn it off. It has become a running joke in the house of all of us during dinner acting like we are beating the living heck out of it!!! And then the second we think we have defeated the beeping, when there is blessed silence in the hear "BEEP!!!!". This morning at 2 am, I thought it was the alarm clock and...nope it was the stove. And then I stood there at the stove for a half hour just hitting all the buttons and trying not to cuss. I hate to call the landlord and complain about a beeping stove but it is driving us nuts!!!!

The other little quirks of the house are there are no lights in the dining room or the 3 upstairs bedrooms. But, there are light we finally got figured out where to plug the lights, but not the cable boxes (don't EVER unplug the cable box, it is a long phone call to get it back on!).

We have a lot of mirrors in this house, and I have noticed with all these additional mirrors that I have very vain children. Even Tobey Jude was checking himself out!

We love our location, we are close to everything we could ever need retail wise, but work and Church are a little ways away. I am loving being 5 minutes from Krispy Kreme and Sam's Club! What more could you ask for?

So, that is the house and even with the beeping stove, I feel so blessed to live here. We are happy and warm and loving every day we are here. I am going to get pictures up sometime within a week of the house and the new dog and fish tank...I haven't found the camera cord yet!

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