Monday, January 10, 2011

The update....

Life has been busy here in here is my attempt at an update.

We went from having no pets to having several in just a few days. My cat Tiger (the handicapped one) didn't do well with my Dad so he is back with us and doing great. My friend CJ gave me her fish tank complete with fish so now I can stop bugging Eddie about it every day. We have managed to not kill any fish so that is another bonus! And last but certainly not least we got a dog! Her given name is Icee Pop which seems like a stupid name so we have renamed her Lucy Sky (see the Beatles thing there?) and she is a perfectly trained 3 year old spayed female that has brought Tobey out of his shell even more. But to be honest she is more of my buddy and is sitting next to me even as I type.

We got snowed in! Insane people, being snowed in with 7 kids should be some punishment that they should put on the Taliban or something to force them to give up their fight!!! The first day I was like the perfect Mother, I made tons of homemade comfort food....bread, beef and noodles, apple crisp....we did the whole fort thing and then day 2 happened and I was about to kill my kids! First off I ran out of pop, and that is not good. Eddie had to spend an hour digging out just so he could get me some. The kids were restless and ready to kill each other and I also had no chocolate. It had all the makings of the end of the world here! We did have some good times though...the kids watched Fantasia and some old Mickey Mouse cartoons and we did enjoy playing with the new dog.And I had the joy of knowing that Monday would bring that magical yellow bus to take 5 kids away and then I seen it on Facebook, NO SCHOOL on Monday! What?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Please tell me that this is a joke, sadly it was not and I officially lost my sanity and I gave up the fight....

Tonight though I had the honor of hanging out with some Church ladies and ate the best Chinese food ever and I also took a shower without any interruptions so I think I can face another day....Anyway, back to the Church ladies....we all met up to celebrate a lady at our Church who has been through a really bad couple of years and she got gift certificates and everything. I don't know her as well as I would like but I plan on changing that. Besides hearing some of her story, my favorite part was just being with this bunch of ladies that I admire the heck out of and so blessed that they even acknowledge my existence. Tons of fun and I got a lunch date coming up with Kris now who has raised 2 teenage daughters and is still sane and the daughters have turned out well. So I plan on picking her brain on how to handle the whole teenage girl thing.

Things are better here with Lena and Eddie and I are back on the same side, I am now thought terrified that after I get Lena figures out....well, there will be 4 more! I had no idea that raising girls would be like this...I should start a support group, ha ha! I would have to buy a lot of cookies for that one.....

Friday is not going to be one of our fun Friday's this week, usually I look forward to them. But this Friday we have the lead people coming out here to check out the new house and make sure it is OK for Tobey Jude. We finally got him in today to get his lead checked so we have a base to see where he is with being in the new house. I am praying that we just get a 9 this time and the whole nightmare is over. I think they are bringing over like 10 people including Environmental....I don't know if I am supposed to bake something or what. Almost feels like I should be putting up a banner or something with that many people....

Well, that is all for tonight....I hope you have a good Tuesday, I will if we have school!

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