Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ahhh, Thursday....

Today Eddie and I went to do our taxes. I tried to explain to Emily what taxes are....she showed the lady her pocket so she could put the money right in there. Not exactly how it works, but I will give her credit for being cute! She also calls them taxi's....

The lady that has done our taxes the past few years invited all of us to Chuck E. Cheese on Saturday....I am sure Chuck E. Cheese will be thrilled to see Tobey again after he spilled so many drinks in record time when we were there 2 weeks ago. She also has a 5 year old with special needs and wants to start coming to our group at Church...she has no real resources around here. I love how just doing taxes can turn into an opportunity to invite some one to our group and our Church!

Emily is asking Eddie for a kitten, I don't know how this one will turn out. I am enjoying the amount of pets we have, and Eddie does not like cats....but I have yet to see him tell Emily no on things like may be a fight to the finish! In her defense our cat is pretty old and not really so much a pet as he is a decoration that we feed.

I am getting excited about working again.I have made out the schedule for the kids and Eddie for when I am gone and working on teaching the kids a few more chores....Now, this looks good in print, we will see how it ends up.

Monday is Tobey's IEP meeting. IEP is short for Individual Education Plan. This meeting will help make sure that Tobey's teacher and us are in the same side as far as his education. So far, I am thrilled with Lifeskills and Tobey is learning some "normal"skills. They sent home a copy of him writing his name with some help and it almost made me cry. It is such a weird feeling seeing something like that. On one hand you are so proud of them for accomplishing a "normal" thing...On the other hand it breaks your heart to see that they have been working on this for 2 years and he still needs help with it. I wonder if the time will come when I will just be proud and not heartbroken.....

Eddie is ready to be home this weekend! He has had a rough few weeks and we are so looking forward to just vegging out on the couch Saturday night and watching a movie! I am not sure what movie we are going to watch yet. Anybody have a suggestion?

Melody managed to cut her hair again!!!! I don't know where the heck she keeps finding scissors and what her fascination is with cutting her hair. I mean I have heard of kids doing it once, but this is like the twelfth time! We are getting close to the point of just letting her shave it all off! I think that is what she wants....what an odd child.

So, I am off now to find the scissors that Melody has stashed somewhere....have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. I would be happy to get the clippers out tomorrow and give her a buzz cut!
    I think that you should tell Emily that you need to wait until the cat you have now goes to Heaven...I hope that she would not help it along.
