Monday, March 1, 2010


Monday's are way too quiet here, you don't have a large family if you are someone who needs a calm household. Right now I only have Emily and Melody home and they are watching TV, I know they watch too much of it, it is the only way I keep my sanity. It is a good day to find the remotes and catch up on weekend chores and sort out uniforms for the week, but way too quiet.

Yesterday we went to church and had a great time, we got there a little late and had to look for a seat. How great is that? I have always gone to the churches where you can have the whole section to yourself, this is much better. I plan on writing more about my church this week but I want to attach a picture to it and I don't know how to do that, so be on the look out for it. Anyway... after church I had this great idea of going to Cracker Barrel. It turned out to be a really dumb idea. Long line and long wait, not going to work with 7 kids. So, I said we will just find somewhere else. No....there is not a single restaurant in Elkhart open, or even the Farmers Market on Sunday's. Ed then said let's go to Golden Corral, it is in Warsaw. I am not packed for this excursion and the kids are officially starving. So off we go against my better judgement. After we finally got there we had a great time. And for all of us to eat was only 50 bucks. Also include the 40 in gas...we have a large vehicle.

Tobey is still talking, not on cue, but I just leaving hearing that voice. When he got ready for school he said "mittens" and then "cold" acting like he was shivering. The kid is a goof ball! LOVE IT!!!! He also blew us kisses last night before bed, he is coming leaps and bounds. I cannot explain the joy I feel getting to know this kid after 5 years. It just feels like a miracle.

Edwin keeps asking me not to shoot him, I have no idea where that came from... Wall-e? Just for the record I have never shot him! He is not pleased that his Dad is not home as much because I can't wrestle him. He told me that I need to go to work, Dad is fun. Maybe Ed shoots him less, hahaha

I am planning a date night for Ed and me on the 13th. We are going to go and see Rain, a Beatles musical and have dinner somewhere. It is really hard to have time for us. I am not going to get respite care for the boys for years, and a teenager down the road can't handle this. I think that the boys or the number of kids scare off Grandparents, so we are it. My Dad's girlfriend is going to babysit for us on the 13th, this will be her first time since we had Emily. I hope that she makes it. I plan on keeping me cell handy.

I just found out that we are going to be in the St.Patrick's Day parade, that is going to be fun. I think I will just take the boys and let Ed take the girls to the festivities (coloring of the river, etc). The kids are really excited about St.Patrick's Day this year, especially Olivia. I am just going to make rainbow cupcakes and have a craft for them at home, and then the parade, that is enough for Olivia I hope.

Well that is all for today, I have 1 more remote to find...I swear this happens every weekend! Have a great beginning of March!

1 comment:

  1. John and I went to see rain in dec it was really good. Have fun on your date:)
