Sunday, March 21, 2010

Patiently Awaiting.....

I am currently getting everything ready for the Health Department to come over tomorrow to tell us if we need to get out of dodge.

The problem that I mentioned so vaguely in my last blog is that Tobey Jude has severe levels of lead in his little body. He is at a level of 23, which you want a level of 0 or 1. Edwin is at a level of 7, and we will get the rest of the kids tested this week and find out the results in 2 weeks. Tobey will need a lot of medical attention which I just hate because he already gets a lot of medical attention. This 5 year old, 35 pound boy endures more therapy, appointments, etc. then anyone I know and just carries on always with a smile on his face. He is currently watching animals on TV with his Dad, hopefully getting ready to doze off. The thought is that it is being caused by our home, which I am not thrilled about the possibility of moving. We love this house but we have to do the right thing for Tobey, and this is not a safe place for him. They are saying that this is not even a safe neighborhood for him with all the historical homes.

I am panicking seeing him roll around on the floor, playing in the tub, running around the yard. I "see" lead everywhere. We are taking every precaution we can, but I feel like it is not enough. Now, before you lose sleep over your home, Autistics are prone to lead don't go panicking yet.

I went to Edwin's IEP meeting on Friday and we finished in 2 hours ( a record for us) and this was the first time that it was an easy meeting about Edwin. He is doing so well in school, already reading at a 3rd grade level and he is in 2nd, I don't meant to brag but we were told at one time he would not ever be in a regular class. HA!

We took the kids to the park and the three youngest had real ice cream cones just like the big kids, we then had to wash all the car seats. Totally worth it, Emily talked about it for an hour.
Saturday we spent the day doing housework and watched Funny People, which was ok. Ed liked it, so if you like his sense of humor you will probably enjoy it. Sunday we went to church and we were both in Kids Kanyon. I really enjoy being there with him, he is a blast to watch with all the kids.

Lena is officially 13 now, we are all praying for our welfare that she will not try to kill us with attitude, so far she is in the Birthday glow and has been happy this week. We went to the mall with some friends and I kept the typical parental distance behind her as to not cause life long embarrassment. You start to feel old when you see your kids act towards you the same way that you acted towards your own parents. I still feel like this should be easier for me since I am not nearly as uncool as my parents. Here is an example of how uncool my father is, he took me to see Bobby Vinton when I was 13. BOBBY VINTON!!!!! The blue velvet singing guy, now I have that song in my head.

Well that is all for tonight, I hope everyone has a great week! And I will keep you updated.

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