Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Booga Man!!!!!

Today I awoke Edwin up with love and kisses, a rousing rendition of The Beatles " They Say It's Your Birthday". He looked at me and said "I Not" he only saves this response for when he is really irritated with you. He then informed me that he doesn't need to go to school today because of his birthday. I explained that the school had to put his birthday and Good Friday together and he will have Friday off. Is it good mothering to lie to your child? No, but that is not an issue that I wanted to open up so early in the morning.

Tobey has started making this really weird noise and he saves it solely for Edwin. Edwin then threatens to kill Tobey and begs me to get rid of him. Now, my first thought is to call the Dr. and get some advice on how to control this problem. I was told very sweetly that yes, they are Autistic but they are still boys and this is normal. I think that I forget that sometimes, I don't really understand "normal" boy behavior. I'll learn one of these days.

I think that we are going to have a low key party for Edwin on Friday night, a huge deal would do nothing but upset him and then what is the point of giving him a party. Some things that are normal for other families just aren't for a family that has an Autistic child or 2. A mall trip is not enjoyable for them... weird smells, bright lights and crowds are not as appealing to Ed and Tobey. I think that is one of the toughest things about having kids with disabilities and totally "abled" kids. It's hard to figure out how to make things normal for the girls without torturing the boys. So our trick is try to not plan the really hectic stuff on the weekends if you don't have too.

We figured out how the Easter Bunny can hide eggs, I am going to put a tarp on the living room and dining room floor, it will look crazy I know. But, until I get the lead levels lower it will suffice. I am sure that the kids will remember the year that Mom put plastic on everything for the Easter Egg hunt.

I wanted to take a moment and thank everybody for their comments, either on here or on Facebook. They mean so much to me and I love looking at them especially when I am having one of those rough days. I had several messages today alone with people telling me stories about my Mom and that meant a lot. I had no idea that anyone would even read this... so thanks!

I hope that everyone has a great day!

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