Friday, March 12, 2010

Long day....

I can tell already that this is going to be a long day. Edwin woke up in a mood, he kicked me and then called me a "guard" that is not a compliment to him. Husband Eddie is working yet another Friday and I miss him. Tobey had a good morning and even said "Hi" to the bus driver.

I have tons to do to get ready for our date Saturday night. I have already made out detailed list and laid out all the clothes, I even pre-ordered pizza. I now have a ton of housework and medication to pre-measure. I have to do all of this and then go to the store and get groceries for the week (not a small job for 9 people). Find a dress that will work for the date and Easter, that I like, and find clothes for the boys to wear for the parade in the morning. Edwin is pretty excited about it, I am hoping we don't see many "guards". I worry that boy will get in some trouble some day trying to shoot someone with a vacuum extension.

We are getting over the cat now, the kids are asking for a dog again, so I guess that is progress. I do keep looking for her though thinking that she needs fed.

Emily has informed me that she wants to be a chef, she keeps putting a paper lunch sack on her head and telling me that she needs to cook. She even has her own wooden spoon, she is adorable! Melody is still diapering everything that she can find. I had to take a diaper off of 6 stuffed animals today because I am running low, she is not talking to me yet.

Lena will be a teenager next week, I am not ready for that at all. I remember hearing people complain about teens and I thought that won't happen to me, I am a cool parent. It does not matter how cool you think you are, you are the worst person in the world. That is how I know that I am doing it correctly! Mwahahahaha (evil laugh) I have caught on to a new thing that drives her nuts and yet amuses me..... When she is cranky (most of her waking time) I call her the sugariest, sweetest name I can think of....Examples...rainbow dumpling, sunshine princess, Queen of hearts, I am now thinking of them while she is at school so I can be prepared. I love to do these things just for my amusement, we will call it a perk. In her defense though she is a really good kid who is an amazing big sister, she is just that age and this too will pass in 7 years. Oh wait there is 6 more kids....God be with me!

Well I have a ton to do, if you are at the parade tomorrow, look for the Logan float and wave "Hi" to us!

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