Monday, March 8, 2010

Still working on it!

I know I promised a blog about my church, I cannot find the picture that I want to put with it...It is of our pastor and Emily and Melody a week after they were dedicated. If I can't find it tomorrow I will go without and just write. Anyway.... The Weekend!

We took the kids to the grocery store, and Edwin started telling us to keep on the look out for guards. We would have to spot these "guards" aka men that were dressed up and Edwin would shoot laser beams at them through his shopping car cart. After obliterating all of these heathens to society we were able to then get deli meat and all the rest of the fixings for subs. Eddie fed these to the kids while I was out having fun with CJ. When I got home at a respectable hour we tried to play Monopoly City, if you are tired (which I always am)this is not a game to start, we gave up and tried to watch a Mel Brooks film, again way to tired.

Saturday morning we took Olivia to girl scouts and took the boys for blood work, Edwin just needed lead testing..Tobey needed lead testing and stratterra testing, It seems that after a 21/2 hour appointment that Tobey had on Friday that this drug Tobey has been on is doing the opposite with him. Instead of calming him down he has excessive energy. She has now put him on blood pressure medicine, and we are hoping for the best. He is 5 and weighs 32lbs because of his energy level. I am praying that the med changes don't mess with his speaking, I do not want to go backwards.

We then went to Once Upon a Child and got the older kids some clothes and then Lena, Ali and I went to get our hair done. We had a good time and Ed had a cookout for dinner for us.

On Sunday we went to church and had a great time, and took a Sunday drive. We came home and did our household relay and then watched The Oscars. As I went upstairs I looked out the window, I seen that our cat Diamond was laying in the road. I thought she was gone already and yelled to Ed to go get her. I then seen her move which was terrifying because the traffic was whizzing by her. He stopped traffic and brought her in, we thought that she was not going to be with us too long, so we made her comfortable...told her we loved her. And then she started perking up. She lost an eye and her jaw is bad. I am waiting to hear back from the vet, (ER care is out of our budget) so she is at least drinking and resting well. So I don't know if anybody else prays for pets but she could use it. I am slightly concerned that she may require additional care, but we already have 1 cat who is blind in one eye, what's one more right? So now that you are depressed, a cute kid story to finish up on...

In the car yesterday, Eddie said to Emily "Who does Jesus love?" Emily then says"ME!!!!"and so Eddie says who else does Jesus love and she says "just me!" somebody was not listening to the lesson! Have a great day!

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