Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Here you go....

Well the health department was here yesterday, and first off let me say that they were 2 of the nicest people that I have met in a while. They were so understanding of our situation and did such a great job answering a nervous mother's 1000 questions.

We get the official report in 2 weeks but the house did test positive for lead in the inside and the outside. I am not real sure what our next step is,but this is not a safe home for Tobey Jude and I am a wreck watching him be here.

We took Emily and Melody to get there blood tested and they did great, especially Melody, the baby of the family was a trooper.

We are having to take special precautions with the house. We have sealed all the window sills with duct tape, no shoes are allowed in here, Tobey cannot be in the room to vacuum, low-fat diet with extra dairy, no crawling on the floor and wash your hands every time you even pick up a toy, wash all the toys, use cascade to wash the floors, no playing outside or picking flowers, and when we are outside with Tobey it needs to be in a newer area away from any major roads. Any thing that has touched the floor (like clothes) cannot even be washed with Tobey's. Besides that same old, same old. haha

The hope is that if we are perfect lead levels will not go up until we figure out a permanent solution. Right now we are praying that the other kids levels stay below 10, that is the magic number that tells us how drastic the treatments have to be.

We are doing everything we can to remain positive but the extra work on a family that is already so busy with Autism and 7 kids is nuts! I am waiting for TLC's phone call. Oh man we don't have any little people, well there goes that idea.

Just so you know Tobey is oblivious to anything going on, he is playing and jumping and not acting too sick at all. I talked to his teacher today and he is still doing well in school. I did take away her teacher of the decade award though, she sent Tobey home in a flowered weighted vest. I did not know until we took his coat off in public. He is studly enough to pull off a flowered vest though, if I may say so myself.

The rest of the crew is handling this well too. They are laughing and crying right along with us and not treating him any different. We have given him a new nickname Pb J. Pb is the atomic symbol for lead and J is for Jude, and he likes the sandwich so that works!

Just so nobody thinks that I am handling thins perfect this is what happened this morning. I made pork roast and put it in the crock pot lovingly adding carrots, potatoes and onions with spices. Made a comment to Emily that we are on the ball today. Went to the kitchen at lunch and noticed that I had forgotten to turn it on. Still time to fix it so I turned it on, knowing that dinner was taken care of. Went to the kitchen to get the little ones a snack and then realized that I had never plugged it in. So dinner will be served at 8 tonight along with fresh baked bread that Tobey flavored with coffee. At this point I am not going to fight that battle, who knows it may be good!

Have a good one, and if you are even in need of answers to your burning questions about lead, I am your go-to person. Have a good one!

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