Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 6!!!

We made it to day 6 of Eddie's overtime, and after this week, I will be glad to have him home in the morning. I plan on making a large dinner tonight of cube steaks and mushroom sauce with mashed potatoes and green beans and for dessert Pie! He will be a happy man. The kids are still in their pj's and we are just enjoying free time until after lunch and we go gangbusters on the house with household relay. Kid 1 (Lena) goes to room 1 (upstairs bathroom) and picks up all clothes and stuff, Lena goes to room 2, Alison goes to 1 and takes out the trash, no 2 kids can be in the room at the same time so you can't enter until your leader yells done! It is pure chaos but a ton of fun. When we finish we will play a game or watch a movie with them. We finish the house top to bottom in 2 hours and this is a huge house!

Tobey is still talking, I almost cry when he does it, I am enjoying every minute in case we lose it. He is currently watching Madagascar and making vacuum cleaner noises, a favorite pastime of his. Edwin had a rough night but everything was solved when we noticed there was a mushroom on his pizza, he must have strictly cheese. Alison is getting very nervous about ISTEP. It really frustrates me when they keep getting money cut and we expect so much more from the kids. Olivia is loving not having any activities out of the house today and has found the on demand feature on the cable box, she wants this feature in her room, I will never see her again. Emily is getting quite the personality, I think we notice more of what she says because we didn't get it with Tobey. Yesterday I thought she was taking my pop and I said " No, that is mine put it down" without missing a beat she says " Duh, I was handing it to you. " Wow, I just got served. Melody is still just an odd little kid, I said this once to the boys Autism Dr. and she was already to test her, I was like no she is simply an odd child, no shock ,Ed and I are not exactly normal. I mean who has 7 kids anymore? Except that family with 19, now they are nuts, they need to be tested, hahaha! That is a whole 'nother blog. Ed will get that joke!

I got a mouse pad that has a quote on it that I thought I would share...

"I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or neurotypical. Even God had some Autistic moments which is why all the planets spin." Jerry Newport

I am working really hard on letting Edwin know about Autism, how to not hide from it but embrace it. His brain works differently, not badly, just different. And there is nothing wrong with that. I think he is starting to embrace it, I noticed that he looked up Mozart (autistic) the other day on-line, did my heart good and worth the 20 dollar poster showing famous autistics. There are a ton, you would be surprised! Have a great day!

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