Thursday, March 25, 2010

Feeling better...

Even though it is raining outside and I am out of my much needed Coca cola fix, I am feeling positive today. I have grieved for the situation, seen that things could be worse and feel more ready to tackle this head on, unfortunately my husband is the opposite. He'll come around, he is just not use to tons of stress at one time which is why him only having 1 day off this week will be good for him.

Emily and Melody's scores came back yesterday and they are testing at a 4 on the lead scale, they have some but it is not threatening to them in any way. Emily is convinced that they took ALL of her blood and for some reason thinks that she is getting it back through the mail, every day she helps me check. Melody is still enjoying showing us the spot where this traumatic event happened. They are currently watching Dora the Explorer, they actually do what Dora asks which cracks me up.

Edwin is turning 9 on the 30th, so Eddie's parents are going to treat us to Chuck E. Cheese after church on Sunday. We will have to make 2 cakes though since Lena's birthday kinda got looked over with the lead thing. The kids are really ready for a break and so are we!

Alison will be getting a citizenship award next week and she is so revved up about it. She is such a sweet kid. For example she is so nice to the lunch ladies at her school they buy her gifts, and even made her something for her birthday. Olivia has a play next week, she is nervous. She also has to get blood work done for the lead and several other tests. So I am not expecting a pleasant child.

Tobey Jude is not liking all the changes (surprise, surprise) and will really not like tomorrow when we go hard core on the diet. He will live, he just may hate me for a while. He has started asking questions in his own way.... He'll say " Cat.......yes?" or "Pop....yes?". That is huge for him! We have a hope that when his levels come down we may get more language from him, the nurse said that there is no guarantee, but I am praying for it.

I had a family member say to me the other day " Do you think that things would be better without Tobey?" I don't think that they meant for it to come out that way, but here is what I wish I could have said had I not been so dumbfounded. No, I cannot imagine that anything could be better without him, Tobey has changed me for the better, I am a more patient person, I take nothing for granted, I love on a higher level because of him ( I am not sure how to word that, so just go with it). And he has changed everyone in our immediate family for the better. Does it suck at times? Yes, but that is about 1% of the time and the rest makes up for it. It is not always fun trying to figure him out, dealing with meltdowns, trying to get him to eat foods he doesn't want ( eggs are the current horrid food). But I know that I would not have a ton of people in our lives and things that we have got to do if it wouldn't have been for both of our boys. So there, I am done with the rant of the day.

Well that is all for today and if anyone has ideas on how to have an Easter Egg hunt that does not involve outside or carpets, I am all ears. This one has got me stumped. Have a great one!

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